Chapter Three: The Interaction

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Levi paused and muttered an expletive. Eren tensed up next to him as he peered forward, the troops shuffled by him, and turned to face the man in their way.

He titled his head and said, "Levi," flashing a fool's grin with his discolored teeth while his mindless companions laughed behind him. "Quite some time."

Levi threw back his hood and growled at the man, "Mason. I can't believe you're still alive."

Mason's own murky brown eyes narrowed as he reached up and caressed the jumble of scars slashed across his face, like some sort of art project.

"You're looking... well," Levi said.

"Keep forgetting to thank you for these," Mason commented, tracing one finger along a particularly deep one. "Waking up in the morning and looking in the mirror only to be reminded of you." He threw his head back with a hoarse hacking noise that could have been either an attempt at a laugh or him choking to death.

"It was my pleasure," Levi's monotonous tone was barely a decibel from a snarl. He heard a sharp gasp from behind him as Mason's eyes narrowed and he scowled, thick fingers drifting towards a sheathed blade on his belt.

"How did you find me?"

Mason scoffs, "Oh please, you come down here looking like that? The whole place knows!"

Levi's eyes narrow, following down to where Mason takes out the blade and begins to play with it in his hands.

Levi takes a breath, "Let's go..." Everyone pushes past the scarred man, glaring at him as they begin to move forward.

"Leaving so soon? I have one more thing I need to show you," Mason states.


Levi reacts fast, turning around and grabbing the sharp blade right out of Mason's hand.

"Tch," Levi glares. He looks down at the blade and looks back up at Mason.

"Let's go."

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