Chapter One: The Orders

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When Levi was called back from watching his squad train by a frantic soldier, he was expecting the Commander to be standing with his back to the door, fists clenched together, or maybe sitting at his desk with a heavy frown and glaring at whatever disturbing letter he had received. Or at least something displeasing.

What he wasn't expecting was to see Erwin sitting at his desk with a cup of hot coffee, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"From what the brat was babbling about, I was expecting an emergency or some shit — I don't appreciate leaving my squad to be left alone to be trained by Four Eyes."

Erwin lets out a soft chuckle as he takes a long, exaggerated sip of his cup of coffee, awkwardly maneuvering his fingers out of the handle of the cup with his single arm.

"Please, sit down," the Commander gestures with a smile at the wooden chair in front of his large desk.

Levi huffs added with a scowl as he dusts off the top of the towering stacks of paperwork on the desk.

"You couldn't even be bothered to pick up the place?" Levi grunts as he picks up a piece of old paper and tosses it over his shoulder, hearing the satisfying thunk as it lands in the waste basket as Erwin sighs and places a coffee cup in front of the shorter man. Levi looks down at the dark liquid with a frown.

Looks like shit. I'd rather it be tea.

"The expedition for next week has been canceled," Erwin states, staring at the shorter man with a sharp look.

"That's it?" Levi scoffs, turning his head away from the blonde. "I was expecting something a bit more pressing."

Erwin gives out a sigh, "Levi..."

"So, if that is all, can I leave now? I need to go save those brats from Hanji."

Erwin sighs again. "Levi." The tone in his voice causes him to frown, and he drops his feet, chair landing on all fours.

"Fine! So, tell me, why's it been canceled?" Levi asks with annoyance as Erwin takes another sip of the coffee.

Erwin looks away from Levi's scowl as he swirled his drink around. "The king called me into the capital a few days ago," he says, voice soft.

Levi nods, urging the man to continue.

"MP's have been disappearing from off the streets. Even a Scout, on his day off."

Levi rolls his eyes. "That is what the Military Police is for."

"Supplies have been disappearing as well," Erwin taps his long fingers on his desk. "And not just your standard thugs snatching some food when the they aren't looking — entire crates of 3DMG, blades, saddles, rifles, and all have been vanishing."

Levi sighs and his eyes narrow. "Again, that's what the Military Police is for."

Erwin lets out a long, deep breath as he closes his eye. "There have been huge spikes in criminal activity lately, especially in the Underground."

There's a blood pounding, dead, empty pause.


"Levi —"


"Just please listen to me for a moment!" Erwin pleads, as he slams his chair back as he stands up.

Levi glares.

Erwin slowly sits back down on the wooden chair and clenches his hand together. "I don't want to ask you this. You know I don't want to ask you to do this, but Levi, you're the only one in the whole military who knows the underground —"

Levi's fists slams down on his legs. "Does it look like I give a shit!" He spits out.

"Please, Levi," Erwin never begs, but the two words were the closest thing to a plea that had ever come out of the Commander's mouth. "Nobody else in the military knows the Underground like you do —"

"I'm not going to go back."

"I don't want to order you, but I will if I have to." Levi doesn't reply, and only then, does Erwin look up. "Bring your squad. I know that they'll hold you back in many ways, good ways," he says, cutting Levi off before he can protest. "I advise you to let them know at dinner," Erwin eases, looking back. "You leave tomorrow morning."

A/N: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm apologize for this chapter being so relatively short. If there is any mistakes please let me know in the comments so I can fix them. I want to make this one of my better fanfictions compared to the ones I've wrote in the past. Anyway, thank you for reading and please leave a vote if you want me continue!

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