Chapter Nine: Late Night Talks

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Levi shuts the door behind him and lets out a sigh.

"What's wrong, mon charie?" Farlan asks, his eyebrows knitting together.

Levi sighs once more, "I'm worried, Far... I'm worried how they will view me. I'm worried that they won't give me the same respect they give me now."

Farlan comes up to Levi and embraces him in a tight hug. The shorter man stiffens at first, but slowly falls into it.

"You're Levi fucking Ackerman," Farlan begins. "If they truly respect you, then they won't give a damn," he lets go and makes his way towards the bed. "Now, come on!" Farlan smiles. "I've missed you..." he trails off.

Levi bows his head, "I've missed you, too..." he whispers back.

It's quiet. It seems like it always gets quiet. The only noise they hear this time though is snoring from one of Levi's squad members.

Slapping his leg, Farlan leaps up, "Let's get you some clothes!" He states, making his way to the chest of drawers that is far too dusty for the captain's liking.

"Tch. Have you cleaned this place since I left?" One of Levi's eyebrows goes up in question.

"No comment! How about you wear your old clothes? The white shirt and then the red vest?" Farlan says as he pulls out the items of clothing.

"Doubt it'll fit anymore," Levi replies.

Farlan looks at the other man up and down. "Hmm, they feed you good up there or something?"

"Food tastes like shit, but at least it's three meals a day."

"Well, how about you wear some of my clothes? You're more muscular than me, but I'm bigger than you, so hopefully it won't be as tight!"

"That should be fine."

Farlan digs further into the draws. Finally, he pulls out a black shirt and a pair of tan pants. "How about these?" He asks.

Ignoring the holes and stains on the items of clothing, Levi nods.

Throwing the clothes at the captain, Farlan jumps to the bed. "Wanna another smoke?" He petitions, pulling the cigarette pack from his pocket and smacking the carton a few times.

Levi nods again.

Handing Levi a cig, Farlan whips out the lighter and lights both of their cigarettes.

"Wait..." Farlan blows the smoke out and pulls the cigarette out of his mouth. "Don't you not like smoking in the house?"

Levi shrugs, "you're right. Open a window."

"Fuck me," Farlan pouts, getting off the bed and making his way to the window to do as Levi said. Turning around, he stops in his tracks as he sees Levi undressing.

"You're going to change now?"

"I'm not going to sleep in this. It's uncomfortable." Levi replies, taking off his shirt and folding it nicely onto an open chair in the corner of the room.

Farlan makes his way back to the bed. Plopping down, he can't help but notice all the new marks that litter Levi's body.

"How'd you get that one?" He asks, pointing to a scar on Levi's hip.

Looking down, Levi stares at it, "uh, honestly? Don't remember."

Farlan blows out smoke, "how about that one?" He points to a new scar on Levi's leg.

"I got this one down here. It's when that guy threw a bottle at me."

Farlan hums, "don't remember seeing that one."

Finished changing, Levi sits down on the bed. "Well, it's been awhile since I've seen you guys." He brings the cigarette to his mouth and sucks it in.


Blowing the puff of smoke out, Levi closes his eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit."

Farlan smiles, "it's not your fault, Lee!" Here, it's getting late. Let's go to bed!"

Levi nods once more.

They bring the covers of the bed down and crawl in, trying to get comfortable on the old mattress.

They both sigh.

"Can... can I hold you?"

Turning to face the other man, they make their way closer to each other and go to sleep.

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