Head cannons PT2

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Neck kisses>>>>>>

When u walk by or when he walks by he either slaps your ass or wraps his arm around your waist

Eddie is a cat person even though it seems he would like dogs

When you get anxiety he let's you play with his rings or his hair

Eddie does NOT brush his hair often

If you get up for more than 5 seconds he holds his pillow as if it was you

If you have ripped jean's on be careful where those holes are because his hands want direct touch to your thighs at all times

Wears a neclace that reminds him of you or that is yours

When kissing you he grabs your hair and pulls it back

You think Eddie looks ADORABLE when his hair is pulled back leaving a few strands behind

Be VERY VERY CAREFUL everything you do turns Eddie on

Those handcuffs are not just decor

When sitting on the couch watching a movie with Eddie, if u stand up and try to walk away he pulls you back on to him and sits you on his lap

Eddie lifting up your shirt while kissing you so u feel his cold rings and his warm hands on your waist

"Eddie why do you always have stuff in your pockets" "these pants dont have pockets princess" "EDDIE" * you quickly jump off his lap*"oh no you dont" *he grabs you and pulls you back on to his waist*

While Eddie kisses you he moves your hips back and forth on his lap

♡A/N, hope you guys enjoyed this part I'm trying to work on my wattpad more but I also have school and I'm on tiktok mostly, I hope I can work on my wattpad more♡

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