Height differences

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Let's be honest. Your short. Well atleast compared to Eddie. He is one tall fellow. Your around 5'6-5'7and well,Eddie on the other hand is 5'10 almost 5'11.

When kissing him,he either leans down to kiss you. You stand tall on your toes. Or he grabs you and pulls you up on him wrapping your legs around his waist.

You love the fact that hes taller than you and that he has to help you get stuff.Hes your big snuggle bug.

Eddie just adores the fact that hes taller than you and that he has to grab you to kiss you .

Your about chest length to Eddie,a bit taller than that,but does it matter,nope. Hes just happy he has someone that loves him as much as he loves you

Eddie Munson ♡headcanons/one Shots♡Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα