bedroom craze

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No no not like that, I dont mean getting tied down to the bed and having Eddie thrust inside you. Although it seems nice. I mean craze.things you guys do when you cant sleep or are just having some fun.

if your sleeping there is going to be music playing in the backround 24/7 even if it's just some small background noise.

Pillow fights are a weekly thing now. You mostly will end up ontop of his smacking his face with a pillow in the end. Which leads to a makeout session

He will jump on you and just tickle you until you surrender. You are very sensitive and when you get your waist poked,it honestly hurts you. Nails digging into your waist is what you hate,but other places you dont give a shit.

He will wrap you around his arms and give you harsh neck kisses all the time. When you go to school everyone asks questions like, "ooo who's the man", "did u burn yourself witha curling iron again sister" and more like that.

Sometimes you guys just like to take it easy. If you do hes in going Inbetween your thighs. Thighs thighs thighs. Your legs are now his new property.

Movie nights every friday night. Saturday. It just chill.....or ykyk hot sometimes. And sundays you just sleep all day bunched up with eachother.

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