Chapter Four

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Da- I mean uh Bridger ^

Bridger's POV

"What the fuck was that?" I ask as soon as I step into Arron's office.

He holds his face in his hands while shaking his head. His fingers dig through his hair that's a mess on his head. He mumbles to himself before shaking his head and mumbling more.

"Arron!" I bark, "why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to try to assault that omega?"

He looks up at me, annoyance written all over his face.

"I'm mated to a fucking male omega," he snaps as if it's a bad thing. "A male omega, Bridger. Do you think I'm in the mood to talk about him?"

"Just because you're mated to him doesn't give you the right to try to assault him. Hell, the fact that you're mated to him should have stopped you. He and his friends have been through enough, Arron. Did you see them? They're so..." I sigh and stuff my eyes into my pockets, "I'm trying to gain their trust and you burst into their room and do that?"

I scoff at him. "You need to start thinking about your actions, Arron."

I don't let him respond, knowing whatever he had to say would be bullshit he pulled out of his ass. I leave his office, closing the door loud enough so he knows I'm pissed at him but not loud enough for him to get offended and throw a tantrum. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes for a brief second. He doesn't think, he never does and in the rare moment when his brain does work, he's always concerned about himself. Being his beta is so, incredibly tiresome. There are times when I wonder if I should have rejected his request and moved to another pack. I'd be much less stressed out for sure.

I leave the pack house, deciding to not let my alpha's thoughtless behaviour get to me. I have other business to tend to anyway and getting tied up with a moody alpha won't get things done.

I make my way towards the Warrior's Lounge where I need to meet with one of our kappas and discuss the whereabouts of the two other omegas/unconfirmed children that have escaped from the group. We know they couldn't have gotten far and our lambdas are beyond skilled in the sport of hunting and though I don't like the idea of "hunting" omegas like prey, it's important we find them.

I enter the training room, silently avoiding walking through the middle of a class that's going on. One of our zetas yells out commands at young etas in training and can only imagine how long they've been training. It reeks of sweat in here. The zeta doesn't acknowledge me and I don't acknowledge him as I swiftly exit the room and make my way towards the elevator to head to the second floor.

The Warrior's Lounge is, in my opinion, more complicated than the pack house which is much bigger. First of all, the Warrior's Lounge isn't just for zetas and etas - who it's named after, but also for kappas, lambdas, upsilons, and epsilons. Secondly, it's built so that if we were to ever be attacked by an enemy, those who come in will have a harder time coming out. So elevators dont lead to all the floors, some hallways don't end, and the fifth floor isn't even a floor as much as it is a tiny room. I can't count on one hand how many times I've gotten lost in this place. The name is very misleading as it's not a lounge at all and one could even argue it's the second packhouse. It's been around for years, maybe a generation or two before my father, so we've never sought to change it, but instead, add to it.

I step out of the elevator, shouldering past a group of teens and not bothering to ask why they're not at school since I couldn't care less. After elementary school, our pups have to attend human middle and high schools. It's a law The Council of Elders passed some years ago for "conflict" reasons as they've put it. The Supernatural Board have been trying to make peace between all species with recent rules and stuff, we only follow because The Elders want themselves to appear better than they really are.

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