Chapter Twenty-Four

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There are two main reasons werewolves choose to not establish packs on/near the coast: not enough forestry and Meri. When we stepped foot on Corzo's land, I immediately smelt the salt in the air from the ocean not too far which put me on high alert. It's not that I think all Meri are bad, but it would be foolish of me not to admit that some are; that some still attack packs because they think we're still actively fighting the war.

It's especially worrisome when we cross onto the land that Corzo has given to Kian. I notice that Kian's land is even closer to the ocean. Kian seems ecstatic by the idea of being able to see the ocean and I can tell by he keeps taking deep breaths that he loves the smell.

Corzo must sense my discomfort as he slows his walk next to Kian and waits for me to catch up.

"The Meri I've met in these waters are peaceful and docile," he says, "I wouldn't be foolish enough to place omegas close to a dangerous species. Plus, I knew I'd have to use this land eventually and figured, who better to put here than peaceful omegas?"

"What kinds of tribes are there?" I ask. It's a valid concern, I think. Corzo's point makes sense and I won't question his reasoning, but I also want to make sure that Kian and his friends will be safe as well as the other omegas that are to come.

"I've met the leaders of three different tribes," Corzo says, "one of them is militant but we have long since talked and they live further out, there is no reason for his tribe to be on land. They want nothing to do with werewolves."

"And the other two?"

"Do occasionally come on land. Selkies and Merrows."

'Oh good, those aren't dangerous' I think to myself. They are both Irish Meri; Selkies turn into seals for mating and whatnot while Merrows are almost extraterrestrial. Meaning, they don't possess the ability to turn into humans and they don't usually look like the typical Meri. Which also means they can't come on shore for a long time.

"Are you and Kian dating?"

The question throws me off. I jerk my head to face Corzo who has a knowing smile playing on his lips. I look over to Kian who is dragging Mika everywhere while looking around with excitement. Mika clings to him like a child, allowing Kian to pull him this way and that way. I swear Kian's smile might break his face if it gets any bigger. I hear him making plans with Mika, saying what can go where and Jenna happily chimes in from time to time.

We're walking along a smooth paved walkway, up a hill that seems to flatten out at the top.

"We are," I say, "so that means you don't–"

Corzo rolls his eyes and shoves me. "I wasn't going to try to. I'm not into men. What're you doing as a beta to Arron then?"

I know I can trust Corzo, but I'd prefer people not knowing what I'm going to do. Alpha Corzo is an alpha first and I know he'll surely think less of me despite all the planning and preparation that I will put into leaving my place as beta. As an alpha, he will see me leaving what should be a permanent place with the utmost loyalty. I can't have my stained character stain Kian's as well. Right now, only Kian should know because he will be the most understanding. We both are about to take big leaps and defy societal norms.

"Everything will come into place eventually," I decide to say before changing the subject, "this land you've given him is gorgeous."

"Yes, we don't have any nymphs so we have groundskeepers and they ensure that everything is well kept. I also tasked my builders to build a packhouse for–"

As if on cue, I hear Kian gasp. I look up and see a huge house. Where Arron's packhouse has more floors and is dark to match the woodlands, Kian's is wide and a beautiful light blue complimented by white trimming, shutters, and pillars. The packhouse is, from what I can tell, three stories, each story equipped with a wrap-around deck. Despite the land being high above the flat floodable grounds, it stands high above the ground on pillars and it looks as though the bottom floor goes underground. I bet Corzo secured the packhouse with underground compartments.

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