Chapter Twenty-Five (!)

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(!) = smut; important to the plot

My smut may be a little rusty because it's been a VERY long time since I've written it in full, hopefully as the story progresses, it'll get better.



I love the beach!

Well...maybe not the sand, but everything else is amazing! I love the hot sun warming my skin and the gorgeous waves washing up on the sand. I love how it looks like the sky and the ocean merge together. I love the trees and the faint breeze blowing the smell of salt water all around. It's just so amazing and beautiful.

Bridger and I join Char and Katie who sit on a rock stuck between the sand and the water. We had to carefully walk down the edge of the cliff we were on to get to the beach but I'm sure a path can be cleared to make it easier in the future. The sun is somehow brighter down here and I have to squint to see anything. Sweat beads at my forehead and I have to fight against my shirt, peeling it off of my sweaty skin every second.

Char took her shirt off. When we make it down to them, I see her sitting there in just a bra and shorts. I'm not sure where she got the shorts. She leans against the rock, her tanned skin shining under the sunlight and her blonde curls tied in a bun. I wipe my own hair from my face and neck. I want to tie mine up too.

"Bridger, it's so hot," I don't mean to whine, but the sweat makes me, "do you have a hair tie?"

I don't know why he would have one considering his hair is too short to need one. He looks down at me as I gather all my curls into my hand and hold it in place, scrunching my nose as sweat trickles down my neck.

"You look good like this," Bridger comments instead of helping me. I feel his fingers on my shirt and somehow I get even hotter. I quickly leave him, walking to Char to ask her for a tie, instead. She hands me one and tells me I should take my shirt off since it's too hot to have one on.

I don't because I don't want anyone to see me like that. I don't look as good as her with her tanned skin and perfect abs. I've eaten a lot since living with Bridger...enough to get a little fat around my belly and my skin would likely blind everyone here.

Somehow Katie found the confidence to take her shirt off. She runs around in her bra and yet another pair of shorts I don't know how she got. Her bra is more showy than Char's and I wonder where and how she got it but I also want to scold her for showing so much skin. But she doesn't seem to care and neither does Char so I stop caring too. She looks happy and too amazing with hair long black hair pulled in some kind of bun-pony-tail.

"Kian!" Katie yells from where she stands, knee-deep in the crystal water. "Come get in!"

"I don't have shorts on," I call out only for Bridger to press a pair against my stomach. "Where did you get these?"

"Vic brought some. He figured no one would have any, said something like you guys come to the coast without any swimming trunks? Really. He gave me these skimpy ones and, at first, I thought they were for you, but the waist wouldn't fit you so I guess my cheeks are going to be out when they get wet. That's no matter, right?"

I laugh at how he imitates Vic. I can tell he doesn't really like him but I don't know why. Vic seems nice, he's very talkative and talks with his body a lot but he seems okay.

I look at both pairs and one is considerably shorter than the other with a wider waistband. Both have strings in the front to tighten them, but it seems Bridger has already chosen which pair goes to whom. I don't mind it, his body will likely look amazing in those short shorts. When they get wet, they'll definitely become tight around his legs and let everyone see what he hides behind his loose-fitting pants. A normal werewolf would get angry at the idea of their partner showing off, but I like it. I like seeing him confident.

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