Chapter Twenty-One (!)

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(!) = smut warning; some jerking and slurping at the end is all 🤭 you can skip if you don't feel comfortable, nothing important to the plot happens during this

Y'all why did you let me publish this when it was unfinished and not one person said a damn thing 😭😭 fake!! 👎🏽👎🏽



When I wake, I feel as though I had been hit by a truck and that same truck is sitting on top of me. There's an odd ache all over me except it hurts inside. Not like a stomach ache or a headache. It feels as though something inside of me - like my soul - was taken out, beaten and burned, and then placed back inside. My heart feels too heavy in my chest and the pain makes me want to go back to sleep.

I can't, though, because as soon as I feel myself drifting off, I hear the click of a door. I sniff the air which causes me to take a huge gulp of air instead as if I hadn't been breathing. Filling my lungs with air is both painful and relieving. It feels as though I haven't breathed fully in so long. Letting my chest fall flat is what hurts the most and I release a low groan as I press myself deeper into the bed.

"You're awake," I hear someone say. I don't recognize the voice but I can't force myself to open my eyes either.

"Being rejected by an alpha and surviving as an omega is one big feat," the unknown person says. I can feel them next to me. Their voice is deep and they sound much older. "Oh Alpha Arron swore to the moons that you wanted this, I'd ask you if that's true but it seems you're busy playing sleep."

I crack open one eye and meet a pair of small blue ones. They belong to an old man with really white hair and a long mustache that falls into his bushy beard. He's wearing a white coat, indicating that he's a theta. On the breast, the coat says Dr. Minton Edkard.

"He rises!" the theta jokes as a warm smile spreads across his chubby face. "How are you feeling, son?"

"T-Terrible," I manage as I try to sit up in my bed. It hurts so bad.

"I figure, good thing the rejection didn't kill you," the theta says as he shakes his head. "I've witnessed many deaths and werewolves-turned-rogue because of rejection. You are simply a rarity and a lucky one for coming out unharmed - maybe a few scratches on your soul, but unharmed nonetheless."

"I-" I clear my throat, trying to find my voice. It feels like I've been punched in the throat. "I wanted to reject him."

The theta nods again. "So Alpha Arron said. Oh! I completely forgot I'm Dr. Edkard, I'm not a theta in this pack, I retired here, but they seemed to not have any thetas specializing in Rejection Healing so- here I am!"

"When will this feeling go away?" I ask, resting my head back against the pillow.

It hurts in the most weird way possible and suddenly, I feel like I might vomit and pull my hair out at the same time. Maybe I'm going insane. Bridger told me that nothing should happen, but he was wrong and now I'm going insane. It'll be easy for me to go rogue since I don't have a wolf. I should have thought this rejection out instead of just rushing through things. I'm sure Arron and I could have just existed as fated mates but not with each other. We were doing it fine before all of this.

"Since you're talking and all your vitals are fine - besides some high blood pressure but nothing a good diet, stress relief, and some medicine can't fix, you should get that checked - can you just tell me your name and why the hell you decided to reject an alpha?"

This man talks so much. He's not annoying by any means. His positive attitude and fat belly tell me that he'd be great at telling stories and giving hugs; he seems like a nice, over-energetic grandpa. Thinking about hugs makes me want Bridger and wonder where he is, if he's here. I hope he doesn't feel bad that I'm in the clinic now. He did tell me nothing would happen and I know that he might feel guilty now.

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