Chapter Twenty-Two

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So sorry for not updating twice last month. I think I must have forgotten or thought that I did when I didn't. I'll try to update 3 times this month to make up for last month. No promises, but things are going well for the future chapters so we will see (I am currently at chapter 41 now, so exciting!!!)


Arron stares at me like I'm the most stupid person he has ever come across. I probably am, but I also know he's quite dumb himself. Despite all the training, Arron has always had trouble hiding his expressions. He's just always been an expressive person – which is why he could never be a zeta. He's always been good at the stone-cold look, but not the unreadable look. And he can't stick to it either. Unlike Kian, who seems to have such a look mastered and can pull it out at any time.

I look back at him, not allowing his squinting eyes, curling lip, or furrowing eyebrows to curb me. I raise my eyebrows and wiggle my head a bit, trying to elicit a response from the man across from me but he just looks on.

"Arron, I'm not kidding around," I say seriously. "I'm telling you this just so that you're aware, you don't need to play any active or even passive role in this – you actually have no role in this. Seriously."

I've just finished telling him my plan for Kian. I had tossed and turned the idea of telling him in my head for a while, but I figured he'd find out eventually, so I might as well get it out of the way now. Tomorrow is the day Kian and his friends officially leave, having been – begrudgingly – granted a strictly two-week-longer stay.

Since the birth of Jenna's pup - who she named Hailey after being pressed over and over again by Mika - and the rejection between Kian and Arron, things have sped up drastically. I offered Kian a day's rest after the rejection and our little heated session, but he refused to take a break, wanting to continue training. The rejection didn't deter him at all and after he fully recovered the night after, we trained longer and harder – occasionally coming home around one or two in the morning.

But over the last two weeks, Kian has made an incredible amount of progress. Omegas' true capabilities never cease to amaze me and Kian himself has been surprised by his progress. I believe that had he not been so determined, he wouldn't have been as successful in his training as he's been.

Of course, he has a long way to go, but I know Alpha Corzo won't fail him. Alpha Corzo will also be pleased to know just how fast of a learner Kian is as he's prepared an intense and long training course which may easily be half as long as he's made it to be. Nonetheless, I'm insanely proud of Kian and I feel Arron's stupid face he's making would be much different had he been active and seen Kian's progress with his own eyes. But I'm sure even if he did help, he would have belittled Kian's abilities and progress. He wouldn't be happy seeing a strong, talented, beautiful, and smart omega do things that he can do.

"Bridger," Arron says as he releases a chuckle, "I know that you're crazy progressive and - I don't know - see the best in everyone, but...are you fucking stupid?"

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Am I stupid?"

"You wholeheartedly believe that an omega - a subspecies of werewolf - could possibly run a pack by himself?" he laughs again, finding immense humor in this. "Holy shit! Holy shit, you do! That's the most hilarious thing I've heard in about my entire life."

"You can laugh, Arron, but I do wholeheartedly believe in Kian's capabilities," I defend. "Since they first arrived here, I've trained Kian harder than I have the other omegas and he's been very successful in everything that we've done. Not to mention, Corzo will be continuing Kian's training but with higher intensity and he'll have more time to do it."

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