Chapter Five

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Kian's POV

The omega's name is Keira. What catches my attention the most about her is how she smiles and holds herself. She's confident, head held high, gaze not lowered. She looks as though no one had ever hit or publicly humiliated her before and walks like she has an actual purpose and knows what it is. Keira is well-educated too. I can tell from how she talks. She goes on and on about the pack and how they treat omegas. She explains that they have their own floor in the packhouse that Epsilons guard at night and how omegas can freely walk about in the pack. Sometimes she uses big words that I don't understand. She told us she goes to a human school as do all the other omegas here.

Suddenly, I'm embarrassed.

Keira is gorgeous with dark brown hair, her curls very small and tight. She has big brown eyes and her skin is a dark, smooth brown. She shows off her arms in a faded pink sleeveless shirt and I see no bruises littering her unblemished arms and legs. Her bones don't stick out either and her thighs and soft tummy tell me she's not forced to skip meals. She has a full, round face and when she smiles, her cheeks rise up to her eyes and make them appear small. Her lips are thick and shiny and her cheeks have an everlasting pink tone to them and it makes me wonder if she's blushing or if it's...what do the girls call She can freely wear makeup? It doesn't even seem like she needs it...

I stare down at the ground, feeling inferior to even the most insignificant pack member. I wrap my thin arms around my body and want nothing more than to hide away. I look nothing like her. I've got scars and bruises, I'm too skinny, I'm too pale, my hair is a mess.

"You will really enjoy your stay here!" she says after her rant is over.

I don't say anything and neither does Peyton. I don't bother glancing at him, knowing he probably still has his hateful look plastered on his face. I dare a glance at Keira to admire how strong and healthy she looks but she catches me and offers me a kind smile.

She'll never understand what we've been through and Goddess forbid she ever does.

I risk the question...

"D-Do you have pups?"

She giggles at the question and I frown, wondering what she thought was funny.

"No, I'm only seventeen, I haven't met my mate yet."

I don't say anything else because Mika is fourteen.

"We just want to lie down," Peyton says, noticing my discomfort. I'm glad Keira doesn't ask if we have pups, I'm glad she doesn't ask if we've found our mates, I'm glad she doesn't ask us anything.

As kind as she seems, anything she could possibly ask would only ruin her innocence. I'd rather her keep her naive perspective that omegas are respected and we have the choice to wait for our mates. At least here, in this pack, it's not really naive or wrong to think that like that.

I bite my lip and frown down at the shoes the infirmary gave me. I then look at hers. They're clean and white with a pink check on each shoe. The more I look at her, the more shameful I feel.

"You only have female omegas?" Peyton suddenly asks.

Keira nods. "I don't know why, that's just what Alpha Arron wants."

Peyton and I share a look. I know why, he knows why. But she doesn't, and that's good.

We make it to the packhouse in little time. It's a huge building with several floors and too many windows to count. Two giant trees are hovering over it and as I get closer, I see names and other shapes carved into the bark. There's a woman and a young pup sitting by one, the pup has a sharp stick in his hand and is carving something in the bark of the tree.

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