Chapter Eight

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Bridger's POV

Kian had taken the book with him. I had wanted to show him the training buildings and our field but he was far too excited to even remember why he was here in the first place. I let him run off and watched from my high-up window as his form dashed out of the doors below. He had slowed down a bit to not draw attention to himself but I could tell he was using all his willpower not to bolt back to the pack house.

I can't forget the way his entire face lit up with excitement and disbelief as he practically ran out of my office, no doubt going to tell Peyton. I keep imagining the way his smile spread to his eyes as they practically disappeared with how hard it was smiling. He had asked me if all that was written was true and I confirmed it, explaining that the book had been translated and all our books were written in Greek before any other language.

I found it heartbreaking and ridiculous that he didn't know anything about himself. My father always told me how important it is to know who and what you are. I was trained as a beta because it was convenient since my father was Arron's father's beta and we are close in age. I learned how important my role is in the pack and the reason why we have all these ranks. Structure is insanely important for us. No alpha? No pack. No beta? No strong pack. No omegas? No good pack.

Not knowing anything about your role and just blindly stepping into it is just a recipe for disaster. But that's how it is now. Is easier to take advantage of omegas if they don't know anything. So I can't be upset with Kian for not knowing, it's not his or any of the others' faults. His pack is at fault and right now, there's nothing I (one person) can do about it. I sound like an old record, but The Elders have been corrupt pieces of shit since ...fuck I don't know how long. I hate them with my entire being.

But I have no solutions for changing them so I don't complain about them openly.

The new set of Elders have been in charge since around the 1930s and though I obviously wasn't born back then, it's obvious to me the way they fucked up the system that their precessors had made and stuck with. Werewolves are one of the newest species to earth and even today, we struggle to maintain a good image on the Supernatural Board because the new set of Elders aren't agreeable. Of course, we aren't as bad as some species, but we're not as good as I wish we were either. And it seems I'm the only one who feels that way.

And it's all because of the Goddess-forsaken old bastards.

I had thought about what it would be like if we just eradicated The Elders and burned their Court to the ground. But that would make matters among the packs worse as then, we wouldn't have any government besides our own. Then I imagined that angels could take over just as they did with vampires so long ago. But angels only offer their services temporarily since they are in such great need and there's no guarantee that packs will continue upholding to the angels' rules once they've relinquished power - just as the vampires had. They turned right back to their old ways the day angels released them.

Angels, no matter how pure, can only do so much good. I admire their ability to do what needs to be done but not stress themselves when it's over and their goodness is thrown out.

There's truly no way to govern thousands of packs with one system, not to mention, one system in one place. Plus...the way they constantly change locations for no reason but to fuck with packs is simply childish and infuriating. They're currently supposed to be in South Korea but Goddess knows where they actually are. There should be Courts per country or maybe even just a few Elders in each pack. That way, when we need them, they'll be right there. But alas, I don't think that can or ever will happen.

I shake my head as I near Arron's office. Just thinking about those ancient assholes puts me in a bad mood.

I still need to talk to Arron for Keira. I didn't get to do it when he visited my office today because he was too busy bitching and whining to let me get a word in. Plus, he wasn't in the right headspace to hear me talk about how he needs to leave Keira alone. He probably would have broken something if I told him then and everything in my office is precious to me.

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