Chapter Ten

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Bridger's POV

I stare at my laptop, eyebrows creased and eyes heavy from lack of sleep. But I don't have time to sleep when my time with the omegas is waning. I've trained all the omegas in the past, but I have a different plan for Kian; a plan that seems impossible and definitely a plan that needs to be as foolproof as possible before I present it to Kian.

On my laptop screen are academic papers approved of by those vile bastards on "unconventional werewolf packs". In these papers, werewolves who have gone to The Academy or The School of Supernatural visit different packs around the globe and even outside Earth that aren't affiliated with The Elders (they don't really recognize them as independent packs).

These packs include one-gender packs (all male or all female), packs with more than two alphas, packs that act as a monarchy, and more. While there aren't many packs like this and it takes a lot of unnecessary drama to not be harrassed by The Elders, this research helps me greatly with my plan.

In the end, we werewolves are familial creatures and we don't always need or thrive in the traditional way of living. It comes down to just one thing: family. Contrary to popular belief, wolves don't have a huge "alpha, beta" pack; instead, they have their family. And that's it.

While I love my pack dearly, I still barely see everyone as a big family. However, I see the way Kian and his friends are with each other. They're more than friends, they're family. They've gone through so much together and escaped together; they've feared together, probably cried together. They are a pack by themselves.

They just need to be guided in the right direction.

That and we need to find Mika and Katie. Those poor omegas. They're probably wandering out there, terrified not only for themselves but for Kian, Jenna, and Peyton too. I shake my head to get keep my thoughts from moving to a dark place. I can only pray to Goddess that She keeps them safe.

I remember Kian's anger towards me early this morning - or rather, yesterday. He's convinced that everything is a lie and while I respect his refusal to believe in Her, I just need to convince him that he's stronger than he thinks. The saying goes that during the war, Goddess chipped a piece of Her own soul and put it in omegas; they are pieces of Her. Closer to Her than any of us can get.

That is no lie.

Suddenly, I hear rustling.

My ears perk up and I try to hear a heartbeat, thinking it's a wild animal getting a little too close to my cabin. It's not located close to the pack house, more on the outskirts of the pack and I enjoy a nice run to the pack every morning before I go to work. I'm located closer to our lambdas who are required to live outside the pack to be the first contact of any trouble that comes our way.

But I'm never disturbed by unwelcomed visitors. So I assume it's just another animal and go back to my research.

Then I hear whispering.

I close my laptop, surrounding myself with darkness as I listen. My cabin looks very lived-in and welcoming outside. There are flowers I've allowed the pups and omegas to plant around my house and in the windows making me look like some Disney princess and I even have a gnome statue that a nymph gave me a long time ago.

The whispering continues and I slowly stand up to look out of my window. I see nothing at first but I know someone is out there and near my window. I can hear two separate heartbeats and my senses tell me that they're werewolves.

'need my help?' Jace asks, fully alert now.

'no...I don't think so' I stay still and listen for more.

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