Chapter One

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Author Note:
I am open to the grammar police but 2 people are the max. If you see someone has already corrected me 2x, don't bother to correct me.

PMs are always open. I don't take story requests tho.

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Kian's POV

I'm not sure how I got into this position, but I know if I try to back off now then I'm better off dead. I also know that if we get caught then we're all 100% dead. We all know that we're putting our lives on the line right now...yet we don't turn back. We don't say a word to each other as we silently make our way through the woods. I'm too scared to even breathe loudly, fearing that someone from our pack will hear me. I'm sure Mika is struggling to breathe with the way his heart is beating so loudly and quickly. I want to grab his hand and squeeze it -- for him or for me, I don't know -- but the fear running rampant in my body keeps my arms stiff by my sides. I barely feel my legs moving back and forth as I walk behind Peyton. He leads us deeper into the woods, further away from the pack...from our hell. Shouldn't I be relieved? Shouldn't I be happy that we're finally leaving, that freedom will be in our hands soon and we won't have to live in fear? I should be happy...

Why aren't I?

Maybe it's because we're still technically on packlands and anyone can find us. Then we'll be caught and turned in to the alpha who will surely show us no mercy. I shudder, my mind conjuring up all the ways he'd torture us more than he already has. Just the mere thought of him makes the bruises on my arms ache.

I guess it's what we get for being omegas. We're at the bottom of everything: the pack, the food chain, the supernatural race itself. We mean absolutely nothing and it's fitting we're treated as such. Abused in all sorts of ways, cursed at, attacked...forced to have pups for our higher-ups and have them taken from us right after they're born. I have 2: Ava and Ivory. Ava was born through artificial insemination. She's the alpha's daughter. It had to be done that way because the alpha already had a mate, yet they still used me. Ivory belongs to a zeta who I lived with before being kicked out. They're a year and some months apart, I barely got to see them.

They stay on my mind every day. They'll never know they're sisters until their wolves come to them and I won't be here to explain to them. To tell them that I gave birth to them, that they're my daughters. But I guess it's for the best. I'm just happy they're not omegas. They don't deserve such a shitty life.

"Stop thinking about them," Peyton says to me without looking behind himself. How does he even know that I'm thinking about them?

"How?" I ask, "how can you not think of yours?"

I already know the answer to that. He doesn't think about his pups because he doesn't see them as his. Peyton is about to turn 22 and he's been part of this pack since birth. He has given the beta two pups, a zeta one, and another zeta two with a total of five. He never even bats an eye at them when he sees them in the pack and I wish I could be like him; I wish I could just deny the fact that I gave birth to two pups, I wish I could deny my purpose, I wish I could deny everything. But I can't. Peyton is strong. Stronger than any omega I know.

Peyton doesn't respond and suddenly, I feel bad. I'm always feeling bad. All of us have had at least one pup and Jenna is pregnant right now. Her pregnancy makes me anxious because the father can easily scent her out better than us. But I'm also a little happy for her. She'll get to keep one and be a real mother.

I don't know how long we've been walking, but I know it's been hours. The sun is going down now and I know the pack's Kappa and her Lambdas are heading to the outskirts of the pack. I wonder if they know we've escaped...if they're watching us and letting us get our hopes up. Our kappa is a strong woman who I've only ever seen a handful of times. She's nearing her 40s and has been leading the lambdas since she was 20 according to everyone else. All I know is that she's good and her hunters are good too - they have to be. They could be hunting us down right now, watching us like we're their prey.

ΩMEGAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें