Chapter Seventeen

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Onegi Ocean is made up. I realized it'll be easier to just make up my own world instead. Plus I really like world-building and I figured this will be good practice!


I stare at my computer screen, heart leaping out of my chest as I read the contents of the email I just received. It's a response from the pack leader I emailed a long time ago; a response I've desperately been waiting for as Kian and his friends' stay here got closer and closer to an end.

My training with Kian has gone far better than I thought it would. I had faith in Kian and he did not disappoint as he showed up to our lessons full of determination and enthusiasm. I believe that Peyton being forced to go back to their old pack and my promising that they'd find each other again is the main force that pushed Kian to push himself. And pushed himself he certainly did.

He's an incredibly fast learner but the only thing he hasn't been able to do is shift. I've seen how it's been affecting him and he's told me how detached he feels knowing that he's missing out on such a great experience. I've explained that because it's been years and his wolf is dormant, it will take longer than a few weeks to do it again. I believe in him though.

Almost one month ago, I had emailed Alpha Corzo about my plans for Kian. Corzo is probably one of the most progressive and generous alphas that I know. While the size of his pack in population is average, he is one of the biggest landowners among all werewolves. Located in the mountains near the Onegi Ocean, he has been expanding his territory ever since he became alpha (about six or seven years). From what I know, the Onegi Ocean is home to a few Meri tribes and he and them are on good terms.

Corzo is the best and only wolf I could think of to let in on my plan.

My email was a very lengthy one but I had to get my point across in a convincing way so that Corzo wouldn't think I was trying to waste his time. My email stated:

Afternoon, Alpha Corzo

It's been a long time since we've talked and I apologize for this sudden email, however, it is very urgent and should be considered carefully.

I've been working on something that I think you'd be interested in. Two years ago at the Quinquennial Tournament, you and I had a productive conversation about your goals as an alpha moving forward. I shared my grievances with my own pack and we went back and forth brainstorming ideas for yours. One of those ideas was to expand so much that you could have extra land for a pack in need if the time ever came.

The time has come for you to consider going that route with your territory. I've noticed you've grown exponentially since the last time we talked and I have an idea of how you can use some of your land.

Recently, 5 omegas showed up in Arron's pack displaying tremendous levels of abuse. One of them is pregnant. I was able to uncover the source of their abuse - their old pack, unsurprisingly - and convinced Arron to allow them to stay in our pack until the female omega gives birth to her pup.

I came up with a sort of outlandish idea wherein, I focus my time and energy on training Kian Calter - the 2nd eldest - to make a pack on his own solely for omegas. Of course, one can't expect an Omega to act as an Alpha or even receive proper training in such little time but I was hoping, under your supervision and guidance, you could pick up where I left off and equip Kian with the tools he needs to successfully run a Safe-Haven-Pack for omegas. This a step forward to solving the major injustice and abuse omegas face daily – something that you and I have discussed in the past.

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