Wednesday's child is full of woe

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My earphones rattle as the bass deafens me. It's an enjoyable pain. It gets many through the day. The car bumps and shakes as the tires roll over branches and rocks of all sorts. Mothers still very angry. I'm lucky i'm being tolerated. My head falls onto the window. My head shakes and rattles, as if my brain were falling out of my head. The trees are bare, as if they're dead. The sun blinds me, as the big black gates that read "NeverMore Academy" pass through the sun's reach to me. I was expelled from my other prison of a school for pushing a kid off the balcony. All i can say, is he had it coming. This place reeks of rejects. This is my only hope of passing my grade, for no other school wants me. I, on the other hand, could not care less. School is a distraction. There's nothing a teacher will tell me that i won't already know. I pull the drawstrings on my hoodie, closing myself off from the world. I've managed to escape almost every school in my district. I doubt that this place of rejects will hold me. The car stops, as Mother steps out. She gives me a look of disappointment through the window. I step out of the car, the sun burning my skin. An Old Woman greets us. Larissa Weems. I did my research before coming here before, of course. I scoff. "Well you must be Y/N." She says, in an unusual upbeat tone. "That's me." I utter. Her smile lowers a little. "Well, step inside, please. We must go over dorm arrangements and schedules." Kill me now. We walk into what looks like a castle. They're trying much too hard to make this place look official. There's paintings of many men on the wall. Most likely people that contributed to the making of this prison. We step into an office, much to fancy for this woman's pay grade. "So, Y/N, What made you apply for this school?" She asks. "Because no other school will take me in. Now this is my last chance at finishing school and i will not be letting you, or any other depressing excuse of a teacher take that opportunity away from me. In fact, i'd much rather be anywhere else but here, yet you're lucky i'm here in front of you today. So get to the point before i walk myself home." Mother stares at me. She will likely not miss me. Ms. Weems glares at me. "Interesting." She says. "Well, we'll do our best to support you with an excellent education, as well as your own likings. Please, feel welcome." She responds. I glare at her. It looks could kill, she would've been stabbed in the heart 27 times. "So, As far as i know, everything seems to check out, we must get you assigned a dorm room immediately." I scoff.


The door opens to a large room, with no one in it. It's very old and dirty. Nothing i can't fix. "Please excuse us, for there is a shortage on dorm rooms, this is the only available room." Ms Weems says. An old, dirty, broken down room with a twin bed on the girls floor? Lucky me. I roll my eyes. "It's fine. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to unpack." I say, demand in my voice. She nods and leaves. I sigh and drop my bags. I sit against the wall. Why am i here. Why am i here. Why am i here. He only broke two bones. That surely can't be enough to get me sent to this hellhole. A place full of rejects and freaks. Seems ideal to me, yet so utterly ridiculous. I hope they fired the person who had the idea to put all the freaks of nature in one place, for all hell to be risen. I hear a knock at the door. Just leave me alone you poor excuse of a principal. I open the door. "Howdy Neighbor!" The color of this person blinds me. "I'm Enid Sinclair. Your next door neighbor." She reaches her hand out. I look at it and glare at her. "Got it." She says, pulling her hand back. "I was wondering if you'd want me to help you with your schedule or your uniform, maybe some extracurricular activities." She says. "You have 5 seconds to interest me before i slam this door. What do you want." I respond. "Jeez. Why are all the people i meet like this." I squint. "What do you mean "like this"?" I ask. "Oh my roomie, she's nice. Well not nice at all, but you know. She's eccentric. In fact, You remind me of her." She says. Interesting. "Come on! I'll introduce you! Don't tell her i said, but she needs a guy like you. Maybe make her less, dead." She exclaims, pulling me by my hand. I fall into what i assume is Enid's Dorm. I stand, dusting myself off, looking around for Enid. Instead I see a girl, sitting at a desk, typing her heart away on a typewriter. She has long, black, braided hair. She has on a long, black and white dress. What seems like a dismembered, moving hand sits next to the typewriter, as she types away. I slowly walk up to her. I gaze over her shoulder. "Secret societies. Hidden libraries. My mother staring at me in a judgmental way. These are all things I've come to expect. But the minute I inch towards the truth... Luckily, I'm not afraid of the dark." How interesting. I tap her on the shoulder. She suddenly stands up, wraps her hand around my neck, and points a pocket knife towards me. "Can you not see that i'm busy?" She utters. I smile widely. "Good to know there's someone here who knows how to have fun."

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