Purple book

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Me, Wednesday, and Enid stand in Eugene's shack. If i'm being honest, i don't really know the plan, but i'm glad to be here. I enjoy Wednesday's company.

"If Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word." Wednesday says to enid. Enid rolls her eyes.

"Payback is going to be a b!itch." She responds. I smile a little. "I'd expect nothing less." She says, before turning to Eugene.

"Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb." She mutters. "Snitches get stung. It's hive code. Besides, I should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed. Other than bees." Eugene says, smiling wider than ever.

"Shocking." Wednesday retorts. "I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks." He says, glancing at Enid, who's inspecting a jar of honey.

"The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1%." Wednesday says monotonously. "So I've still got a shot? Yes!"

Wednesday rolls her eyes and takes me by the hand. As i get dragged out of the shack, i look at Eugene and mouth "You got this."

He smiles. "In ancient times, honey was used to treat wounds and in sacrificial burial rites. Cleopatra was rumored to bathe in honey. Gave her skin a luminous glow."

Enid looks at him, a bit of uneasiness in her eyes. "You ever taken a honey bath?" "I just don't wanna get stung." Enid says, looking around her anxiously.

"The key is to remain calm. Bees detect fear, but you don't need to worry. Because I have a very big smoker, and I handle it like a pro." Eugene says.

"Would you like to see it?" He says, smiling. Enid let's out a loud, deep sigh.


Wednesday guides me through the forest as i try to make small talk.
"So, about last time we talked.." I begin to say.
"Go on." She utters. "I've yet to find the bomb, but i'm positive i'm able to find it."

"I hid it pretty well. I'll give you a week tops." She replies. I smile. "Also, what did you say to thing? He seemed off when i went back in."

Wednesday stops in her tracks and turns around. Her brown eyes stare deep into my soul. "What did he tell you." She asks, more serious than ever.

"Nothing?" I say, shrugging. She looks down. "So you did tell him something." I say. She turns around and continues walking. "Might i ask what you said?"

She keeps walking. "Wednesday?" I ask. "I can hear you, i'm just choosing not to answer you." She utters.  I smile a little.

"Is it personal?" I ask. "More or less." She replies, still walking. Interesting. I speed up to catch up to her. I stop infront of her, causing her to halt.

I lift her head by her chin. "You want me to tell you things, correct?" I say. "Meaning you have an obligation to tell me things." I add. Her eyes study me. Her mouth opens as if she had a smart comeback, yet no words come out.

I smile. "Glad we've come to an understanding." I say. I let go of her and keep walking. She stays there for a bit, before blinking a bit, and continuing walking.


We finally arrive to the site of the murder. The fairgrounds. I scan the area for anything obvious. Not much to see. Just woods upon woods.

"These are Rowan's." I hear. I turn around to see Wednesday looking down at something. It's a pair of glasses. Cracked, and still bloody. At least now, i know we're not crazy.

She stoops to pick them up, but as soon as she touches them, her head throws back, and she collapses. I'm glad i was here, that would've been a nasty fall.

Don't get me wrong, i'm worried. People don't just collapse, you know. Yet, i have a feeling Wednesday has herself under control.

I sit on the ground, and place her head on my lap. I pick up the glasses and inspect them. They're wire framed, and old looking. They've been here for sometime.

It amazes me how an entire police department misses something as crucial as the victims glasses. Blood and all. Looks like me and Wednesday will just have to solve this ourselves.

I end up carrying Wednesday to her dorm, before talking with Enid for a bit. She rambled on and on about this guy named Ajax. Not that i've met him, but he sounds cool.

Anyways, i head back to my dorm, hoping to take a power nap. If Wednesday can sleep on the job, so can i. Might as well catch a few Z's while i can.


"I keep seeing that same purple book." Wednesday says, looking through a shelf. After waking up from her little coma, she practically dragged me to the library to look for a book.

"This one?" I ask, holding a purple book up. "The cover was darker. More like a day-old contusion. Keep looking." She says, still looking through shelves.

"Hey!" I hear from behind us. Ms Thornhill approaches us, holding a couple of books. I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books." She says, chuckling a little. "Most sneak in to make out."

I glance at Wednesday, noticing the slightest bit of blush on her cheeks. "I accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging. I can't unsee that." She says, smiling. Me and Wednesday look at her, as it becomes silent for a moment.

"Is there something I can help you find?" She asks, breaking the silence. Wednesday pulls out the drawing from Rowan. "Have you seen this before? It's the watermark of a book i'm looking for." Ms. Thornhill inspects it a bit, squinting her eyes. "I think it's the symbol to an old student society. Um... The Nightshades." She says, handing the page back.

"Like the Deadly Flower. Color me intrigued." Wednesday says, looking at her eagerly. Now, not really the time for this, but i've never noticed how beautiful Wednesdays eyes are. Anyways. "I was told they disbanded years ago." Ms Thornhill explains. "Any idea why?" Wednesday asks. Ms Thornhill nods.

About here in the conversation is when i started to trail off. To my surprise, the library was garbage. It had no good books. If anything, i would've thought a place for outcasts would have a good selection of literature. Whatever.

A hand grabs my arm. Wednesday stands there, looking at me. "Where'd you go?" She asks. "Just looking for books." I say, scanning her face. Her eyebrows are furrowed, and her mouth is partly open, not enough to show teeth, though.

"Were you worried about me?" I ask, smiling. Her look instantly vanishes, leaving her usual monotonous expression. "You wish. I just need you for this investigation, that's all." She says, turn long around.

"If that's what you wanna believe, i'll run with it." I say, walking past her. A small smile creeps onto her face.


Crazy how much this books blown up in my absence. I thank you all. I tried separating my stories, as some of you suggested. Did i do it right? Lol leave suggestions if you'd like. Again, Thank you all.


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