Chapter 3~ The Time Portal

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"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom!" Izzy yells to her mom, after sprinting all the way here.
"Yes Bella," says Izzy's mom.
"I was wondering *puts her puppy dog face on, and blinks really fast* can me and my friends..."
"Hm! Bella! Use the right grammar!" Interrupts Izzy's mom.
"Sorry, can my friends and I go in this..."
"What do you mean go in?" Izzy's mom asks.
"Let me finish, as I was saying... can we go in this time portal... it kind of looks like a science adventure.... you know how I love science."
"Please hurry it will close soon!"
"Well, you know I don't like you to go on these types of adventures by yourself... without me, but since you have like 4 friends with you... I guess you can go on this once in a life time trip."
"Cool! Thanks soooooooo much mom!"
"No problem, but you know the rules... no talking to strangers, no getting away from your friends..."
"Yeah, I know mom! My friends will keep a good eye on me"
"Ok, now you guys better hurry, you know, to go and get in that portal before it closes!"
"we will! Bye, and thanks again"
"Bye!" *kisses bella on the cheek* *whispers in her ear: be safe my big 13 year old girl*

Off they go, out the door and back to the portal.
"Ok guys, we have to do this before it closes, are u all with me?" Says Izzy
"I am," Amber says.
"Me too," says grace.
"Me three," says Sierra.
"I guess so," Paige and Autumn say together.
"Ok, I will go in the portal first," Izzy says.
Weeeeeeeeeeeee! There she goes down the portal!
"Oooooo! me next," I say
Woah!!!!!!!!This is awesome!!!
"Paige want to jump in with me?" Autumn asks.  
"Ok here we go!" They say together.
Weeeeeeee! This is fun!!!!!!!
"Ok, it's my turn now," says grace.
"Now it's my turn." Sierra says.
There they go, through the portal, to the other side. This is where the adventure begins!

A Frozen AdventureOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora