Chapter 13~ Uh-Oh!!

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"Ok, so we all know what to do now right guys?" Says Hannah.
"Yep!" Says Izzy and Paige together.
"Cool, let's put this plan to action."
So, Danielle flies over to 'Mickey's house,' to go help Autumn and Sierra. That leaves Paige, Izzy, Alexie, and Hannah to help save Amber and Grace.
Ok, stick to the plan and this nonsense should all be over soon... I hope, ok, so I just go in with these magical flying shoes and rescue Amber. That can't be too hard can it? (Izzy says in her head)
"Psst, Amber!" Whispers Izzy.
"What are you doing here?" Says Amber still stuck to the floor...
"What do you think!? I'm here to rescue you, take my hand."
1....2.....3..... bam!!! Amber is now unstuck.
"Quick let's gets out of here before they come find out what happened..."
They finally made it out of the tunnel. Little did they know...Elsa heard the bang...
"Yes!!! You did it!!" Says Hannah.
"Wait what's happening I'm so confused.. what about Grace!?"  Says Amber.
"Don't worry we have a plan. I'll explain later, meanwhile Alexie and Amber you have to go in the cave again." Says Hannah.
Alexie and Amber go in on a magic carpet. Very quietly. Meanwhile....
Hmmm, I wonder where oh! That must be Autumn. *Danielle flies down to go check it out*
"Hello, are you Autumn?" Says Danielle.
"Woah! Haha you scared me, yeah I'm Autumn but who are you??"
"I'm Danielle sent from Hannah who came to help your friend Izzy because you guys were in trouble."
"Ohhh, ok. So what do we do now?"
"Well, first of all this isn't Mickey's house, it's his opposite twin brother."
"Woah he has an opposite twin brother!?"
"Yeah, so what we need to do is find the real Mickey."
"And how do we do that?"
"With this Mickey tracking GPS, come on let us gooooo!" Says Danielle.
While they're doing that.....
"Ok, so where did you last see Grace?" Says Alexie.
"Ummm, in Elsa's Lair, tied to a chair, hanging above sharks." Says Amber in a sarcastic tone.
"Haha, that's a real one am I right?" Says Alexie in the same tone.
"So, how do you suppose we get her down from there?"
"Well...I assume there's a button somewhere to reverse the polarity..."
"Well, let's look around."
They look around, and Amber was about to give up when she sat down and noticed a secret passageway!
"Hey, Alexie, come over here."
"Woah it's a secret passageway."
"Where does it lead?"
"Well, only one way to find out!" Says Alexie, and they start walking down the passageway. Not knowing that Elsa was right behind them!!! And shut the trap door on them!!!!
"Mwahahahahaha, now that they're out of the way I can just smell victory, they only have a few more hours until that portal closes, then they'll be stuck here forever!!!" Says Elsa, very dramatically.
How successful are Danielle and Autumn though? Well let's find out!
"Ugh, we've been walking around for hours, are you sure you know where your going?" Says Autumn.
"Yeah, this GPS, never lied before..."
"Well this is just great, haven't we seen that same boulder like 5 times?"
"You know...maybe your right..."
"Wait......did we somehow get transferred to an alternate world where the GPS doesn't work anymore!?" Says Autumn.

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