chapter 12~ The new friend

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Paige looks over and sees Izzy.
"What are you doing here?" Says Paige.
"Um long story," Says Izzy, "but I'm here to help."
"Cool well what shall we do?!"
"Hello!" Says someone they've never seen before.
"Who are you?"
"Why I'm hannah. I'm here to help you! You see I'm a magical fairy that has magical powers just for this occasion."
"That is.." Says paige.
"SO COOL!!!" Intturupts Izzy.
"Haha yeah. And I have a plan," Says Hannah, "so... Amber is still in there right? Well she's stuck. Because Elsa and Hans placed glue on the floor but sense they can hover above the ground.. they don't get stuck but anyone else does..."
"Will she be Ok?" Says Izzy and Paige together.
"Yeah if we do this plan correctly Amber AND Grace should be fine AND Izzy's powers should be gone."
"Wait? I thought I had like 3 stages total?" Says Izzy.
"I know but you will be able to skip them if everything goes to plan."
"Ok, so basically follow the plan?" Says Paige.
"Yep, now let me continue. OK so your friends are looking for mickey right?" Says Hannah.
"Yep." Says Izzy. *She gets a text on her phone* "Oh that must be them..."
*Autumn:* hey Izzy, we found mickey... but problem...
*Izzy:* what's wrong?
*Autumn:* well mickey is a little more evil then we thought... he took Sierra and locked her away, luckily I escaped but we need to help her!
*Izzy:*hold on.
Izzy shows Hannah the messages.
"Oh my.. I might need some backup.. hold on, this may stop the plan a little but not by much. However.. you might still need to complete your  stages still... they must have found the wrong mickey..his opposite! Oh I...didn't think.. here hold on."
Hannah runs off into the woods.
"Wait! Where is she going? What do we do?" Says Paige starting to get scared...
"Don't worry Paige she just needs to find her friends but I don't know what we do till-" Says Izzy but gets cut off my some pixie dust in the air.
"Woah!! Look at that!!" Says Paige.
"Is that... Hannah? Wait no she just split wait what's going on I'm so confused." Says Izzy.
"Fear not I have just brought some of my friends," Says Hannah, "meet Danielle, and Alexie."

A/N: Ok, I forgot to announce this earlier but I have decided to update more often and this is because I have a phone (if you didn't already know) and I can now update other then at home. Because, usually when I get home I'm busy and that's why I didn't update a lot before. But now, this book should be more actively updating :)
Also, sorry this book has so many characters if it's hard to keep track lol. But, this book features some of my bestest friends in real life and I started high school and made lots of new friends so I thought: "Why not add them?" So yeah :)  hope you like this book ;)

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