Chapter 10~The Plan -_-

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"One of us better go tell them we found elsa, and her plot..." Says Grace. "Ya good idea, I'll go, you keep an eye on elsa but don't get seen." Says Paige. "Cool see ya later." Says Grace.
So Paige races off to find the rest of the group. But, when she gets to Mickey's house...she doesn't see them...
Oh wait where are they.. maybe they haven't found Mickey's house yet. Hmmm.
So Paige goes and looks to where the Disney characters usually are and where they meet and greet everyone. It's mainly for the little kids but ya...
There they are talking to Daisy and Donald ha they are funny. "Hey guys! What are you doing?" Says Paige.
"The real question is what are you doing?" Asks Izzy.
"Yeah, I thought you were following Elsa." Says Sierra.
"Well..." Paige tells them about what she and Grace overheard from Hans And Elsa.
"Wait why is she talking to that backstabbing devil Hans?" Says Sierra.
"I don't know but it must not be good!" Says Amber.
"Hurry! We better find Mickey Mouse she's coming for us as we speak!" Says Paige.
"Where's Grace?" Asks Izzy.
"She's still listening to Elsa And Hans."
"Why you leave her alone!? Do you know what Elsa And Hans could do to her!?" Says Amber.
"No... why?" Says Paige.
"Well, I once researched that Hans And Elsa have sensing powers together when they go into their cave to work on potions! This happens when someone is spying on them alone!" Says Amber.
"Uh-Oh! This is bad...we need to save her before it's too late! How can I be so dumb? It's all my fault if she gets trapped or something."
"Don't be so hard on yourself Paige. Everything will be Ok. I'll go with you." Says Amber.
"Thanks*smiles* your the best. Now, Autumn, Sierra, and Izzy you guys go to Mickey's house to find Mickey. *laughs* it's that easy. Just head straight and turn left when you see the fire hydrant."
"Ohhhh, now I feel stupid thanks Paige. We will find it this time!" Says Izzy.
"K cool, if everything goes as planned meet back at this fountain?" Asks Paige.
And so they parted their different ways to do their job.

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