Not a baby..

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I watched as Talleah  snuggled closer into  Jordans back and I felt as Ezra pulled me closer to her. For some reason all of this felt okay, well more than okay it felt safe. I smelt the scent of lemons as a small gust of wind came into the room causing me to snuggle more into my mate.

" Isis are you up?" Chyna voice echoed through the darkness.

I felt as the bed increased in weight as she climbed onto the bed  and on top of me.  I laughed a bit because my sister used to do the same thing.

"Yeah Chyna,"

I gasped at hearing for the first time how deep and smooth my voice has become, I was even impressed.

I sound like a sultry jazz singer. I smiled a bit. I always wanted to have a voice that was relaxing sounding.

" You nasty ass, dirty ass vampires come back after being gone for a week at the club, eat and then just come in right before dawn then sleep," she said and sat up straddling my side.

"It didn't feel like a week," I mumbled against Jordans back.

" Fuck Chyna take yo little Bronx black ass back to bed," Ezra said as she growled and rolled over.

"Don't talk to my baby like that," Talleah said.

"Thank you Talleah," Chyna said as she kicked Ezra in her ass.

" But go take your ass back to bed," Taleah said and  Jordan let out a small chuckle.

"No. You guys have ignored me for a week. Thenonly spent time with me on the plane trip back," her thick Brooklyn accent cut through the air.

"You were there too,"   Jay said as she pulled Chyna off my body and in-between the both of us.

"So I didn't get to see you guys," she said as she faced me and ran her hand down the side of my cheek.

"What do you want us to do?" I asked her.

I watched as her lips went up at the corners and a smile appeared on her face.  She sat up in bed.

" I want to hang out with you guys and go hunt," she said as she made her way out of the bed and turned on the lights.

"Chyna, go somewhere with your bothersome ass," Ezra growled.

Jordan let out a small growl in her throat. I actually didn't want to get up either. We hardly slept just sex and feeding. I'm not complaining but I would love some sleep. 

"Come on and besides I want Jay to finish the story of how they asses got to be vampires," Chyna said.

"See you was with us," Ezra said.

"She told it on the plane,"  Chyna said.

"Fine, everybody go get clean and dress so  Leah's pup can shut up," Ezra said as she got up. 

Ezra stretched her tall frame and picked up her shirt and pants off the floor.  I felt  Jordan pull me in closer as Leah unwrapped her arms from around  Jay to  get up and pick up all her clothes. Apparently they like  to sleep naked.

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