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For 3 days straight, the SN are on and off training until Chad finally collapses, which says a lot because he never collapses like that ever.

"Chad collapsed, That says a lot..." Vy says.

"I agree... does that mean break?" Melvin asks.

"Break? Break?! All of you are so weak!! I can go on for ages!" Regina says.

"Yes, sure you can, but unlike you, we are actually tired!" Vy yells but then that's when Regina drops to the ground covering her ears and shaking but Vy keeps yelling.

"Oh, you don't like that?! HAH! Weakling!" Vy yells.

Regina is shaking really badly, and then it clicks to Melvin what she's doing.

"Vy Stop!" Melvin shouts.

"Why should I?!" Vy yells. "This weakling deserves it!"

While they argue, the others are trying to calm Regina down, but it isn't working. Regina puts on her headphones and continues training for hours, and Melvin and Vy don't realize until they finish arguing.

"Oh my god..." Melvin starts. "She is going to make herself collapse, isn't she..."

"Who cares! She will learn her lesson!" Vy taunts.

Anger is shown in Melvin's face until he loses it and pushes Vy to the ground.

" Don't you DARE talk down on my sister!" Melvin shouts.

Regina is looking at this argument.

"Oh shut up PZ9!" Vy yells.

Next thing they know, Melvin completely snaps.

"No Vy! You will not tell me to shut up after f*cking talking down on my sister! I don't care if you talk down on me, but not on her! Got it clear?!" Melvin snaps.

"Haha whatever Mel." Vy says in a taunting tone.

"Hey! Mel is my nickname for him! Want to be my new punching bag?" Regina says.

"Test me b*tch!* Vy yells.

That's where the fight begins. Swinging and kicking till Vy hits the ground.

"And I'm the weak one? Look at you on the ground!" Regina taunts and goes back to training.

"Wow..." is all Melvin, Alie, Chad, and Daniel can say in unison.

"What happened when I was out?..." Chad asks.

"This b*tch decided to mess with me, so I fought her" Vy explains.

"And jokes on you, you still f*cking lost!" Regina taunts.

"Both of you please stop..." Chad says.

"Tell your wife to not be an a**hole then!" Regina shouts.

"Wanna fight again!?" Vy screams.

Melvin and Chad pull them apart and force them on a punching bag to fight that.

"Let me fight her!!" Regina yells.

"NO!" Melvin finally snaps.

Regina just puts on her headphones and walks to the grass away from them and trains on her own. She completely seems like a new person and is doing completely new things. On the other hand, Vy is punching her punching bag pretending it was Regina.

"I hate you, Regina, and I wish you were dead!!" Vy yells and Regina hears it.

"Wish I was dead, huh?" Regina starts. "Lucky for you, I do too."

"Wait what?!" Vy says in shock. "I-I was j-joking..."

"Cool. I am not." Regina says.

"Sis..." Melvin mumbles.

Regina just goes silent and back to training, overworking herself, But Melvin grabs her and carries her to the gazebo to sit down.

"The hell do you want?" Regina asks.

"I want to know what that was about!" Melvin slightly shouts.

"I'm sorry ok! I can't help how my mind f*cking thinks!" Regina yells.

"Sis..." Melvin mumbles.

Regina goes silent and walks off, leaving Melvin speechless, and he yells for her.

"Gina Ginera!!" Melvin yells.

"WHAT! We need to train for these damn hackers, ok?!" Regina yells and immediately goes to training again. The other spy ninjas have a meeting.

"What's wrong with her?" Daniel asks

"Things. Things we both don't want to get into..." Melvin explains. "She already has a therapist for it, and I'd rather you not ask her... Any questions, ask me..."

"Got it..." They reply.

Regina finally comes back and hugs Melvin.

"Mel!" Regina says happily.

"Haha, hello sis!" Melvin says excited.

"I tired..." Regina tells him.

"I bet sis... Here, come on, let's put you to rest..." Melvin tells her, but she refuses.

"No bro... train... with me..." Regina says.

"Fine." Melvin mumbles and goes to train with her for a few hours till she finally collapses.

Melvin grabs Regina and holds her while she's asleep.

"What happened?..." Vy asks.

"Overworked herself..." Melvin explains.

"Weak." Vy mumbles.

"Vy, stop..." Melvin says to her.

"Stop?.. STOP?! Your sister has been nothing but a b*tch to me all day, and you're telling ME to stop?!" Vy yells.

You don't know what she has been through, so stop before she loses control and hurts herself again!!" Melvin shouts.

"I wish she would!!" Vy yells and Regina hears that.

Regina pushes off Melvin and runs to her room, crying. She grabs something sharp in her room and relapses, making herself bleed and scream. Melvin runs to her, shuts her door, and hugs her while she is crying.

"Shh, sis, it's all ok..." Melvin comforts her while wiping the blood off her arm.

"I'm sorry!" Regina yells in tears.

"It's alright, little sis..." Melvin reassures her.

Melvin picks her up after she is calmer and brings her to the kitchen sink to disinfect it and bandage it, but notices her muffling her screams.

"Aww sis... does it hurt?" Melvin asks.

She nods and Melvin wipes it with water and bandages it.

"All better!" he says and boops Regina's nose as she laughs.

"Thank you, Melvin..." Regina thanks and hugs her brother.

"Ready to continue training?" Melvin asks

She nods, and They go back to the others after Regina gets a new shirt on because of the blood. They walk outside and Chad notices the bandages.

"No she didn't..." Chad says.

"She did thanks to your wife." Melvin says.

Vy goes silent and so does Regina.

"Mel... My arm stings..." Regina says.

"Maybe you shouldn't have cut then!" Vy yells.

Melvin covers Regina's ears when Vy says that, but within all this arguing, three hackers appear and make a loud sound, startling Regina. Vy and Melvin turn around to see the hackers there.

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