The new plan

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 "So guys, what is our new plan?" Chad asks.

"You should know, your the boss," Daniel says.

"Well if im asking, clearly i dont know. Dont give me attitude because your wife is sick," Chad says with an attitude.

"Shut up Chad!" Regina shouts.

"Mind your business tr@nny!!" Chad yells and immediately gets pushed to the ground by Melvin.

"Call my sister a f*cking slur again and i swear to god i will fucking kill you!" Melvin yells.

"Try it tr@nny" Chad says, starting to make Vy get really mad, and she ends up walking out to the backyard and tries to avoid the urge to scream. Regina gets up without them knowing and follows Vy, handing her something to use.

"Wha.. how did you..." Vy says.

"Im of age y'know, use it, you need it," Regina says.

Vy inhales in the vape smoke and blows it out and smiles.

"Keep it, i have another..." Regina says, pulling hers out her pocket.

Regina takes a puff of hers, despite feeling Daniel and Melvins presence.

"Gina? Are you vaping?!" Melvin asks.

"So what." Regina says, moody AF.

"Your pregnant thats what! It'll risk a miscarriage!" Daniel says, ignoring the fact that it triggers Vy and she immediately takes another puff of her vape. Regina pulls Vy closer to her and lets her feel Reginas baby kicking and Vy smiles faintly.

"We are closer so im afraid i cannot fight much... I'm sorry..." Regina says.

"No No No, its ok Regina, dont worry," Vy says.

Regina is completely silent because her baby is kicking.

"Gina, Whats up?" Vy asks.

Regina puts Vys hand on Regina's belly and Vy feels the kicking.

"Awh Gina..." Vy says. "How far along are you?"

"7 months..." Regina says.

"Jeez, 7 months and you fought?!" Vy says shockingly.

"Yep! And I loved it!" Regina says. "The adrenaline was exhilarating!"

"Jesus Gina... You cant be fighting! You'll kill the child!" Melvin says.

"Mhm..." Regina mumbles.

"She knows." Vy says, taking another puff of her vape.

"Qwaint! Chill with the smoke!" Chad says.

"I'll chill with it when you stop f*cking saying slurs!" Vy yells.

"Well then you're not quitting." Chad says.

"Shut up!" Regina yells, starting to get pissed. "Arguing wont help us! Let alone it wont help my stress levels!!"

'At this rate, nothing will be done!" Vy yells.


Everyone goes silent and Regina walks into her room, with Melvin following shortly behind to let the others plan because they will. Melvin goes and shuts the door behind him and hugs her from behind and she starts crying.

"Why cant they just calm down and plan already?!" Regina cries.

"I dont know sis... I really dont know..." Melvin says.

Regina tries to grab something sharp so she can cut but melvin grabs it and hugs her tighter.

"Hey hey, no no sis.. Here, something you can do, If you feel like doing that to yourself, come get me, ok? If im not there, call me. Ill drop everything and come get you... ok?" Melvin explains.

Regina replies with a nod while fidgeting. All the sudden, theres banging on the door and regina goes to get her headphones and puts them on while the banging happens.

"REGINA!!" Daniel shouts. "GET OUT HERE NOW!"

"Leave her be for a bit daniel!" Melvin tries to explain


"Before you what? Because if you try anything with my little sister, i'll beat you to death" Melvin says.

Regina is fidgeting with a scalpel blade and manages to get a few cuts in until melvin notices and just hugs her through it all.

"Shh... its ok it ok.." Melvin says.

All the sudden Daniel busts through the door and Melvin instantly shields Regina.

"LET ME SEE HER!" Daniel shouts.

"NO! NOT WHEN YOU JUST THREATENED TO F*CKING BEAT HER UP!" Melvin shouts, pushing Daniel out the door and punches him. "TOUCH HER AND ILL STAB YOU!"

Daniel tries to get to regina and melvin pins him and grabs a kunai and puts it to his throat.

Chad notices and pulls Melvin off of him and Melvin instantly runs to shield regina again and they all see since they basically planned everything. Regina is scared out of her life and holding a kunai, shaking.

"Holy shit..." Vy and Casey say.

Daniel tries to swing at Regina and melvin stabs his arm and he screams in pain, instantly running to stop the blood. Melvin is enraged and really angry, but also close to tears because of what he did.

"W-What did i just do?..." Melvin asks, starting to cry.

Regina stands up, hugging him and humming .

"You did nothing wrong kuya.." regina says. "Hey hey look at me kuya, look at me... you didnt do nothing.

Melvin looks like he is in complete shock and is shaking.

"Flash... b-back..." Melvin mumbles.

Regina pulls melvin to the ground and hugs him.

"He isnt here, you dont have to fight the flashback bro..." Regina says.

"Whats going on?" Vy asks.

"Melvins having a flashback episode from his past but im trying to calm him..." Regina says.

After a few minutes, Melvin finally calms down.

"There you go..." Regina says, handing Melvin a pacifier so he dosent start crying again.

"A binkie?" Vy asks.

"Helps him calm down from things... kinda like a regression,"Regina says.

"Oh ok." Vy says.

"Did you guys get a plan set?" Regina asks.

"Yep!" Vy replies.

"Good.." Regina mumbles quietly...

Melvin takes out his pacifier and is fully calm now.

"Shall we get on with the mission now?" Melvin asks.

"Yep!" Vy says.

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