The Final Battle

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 "Spy Ninjas!! Assemble!!" Vy yells.

All the spy ninjas prep and get ready to battle once and for all.

They all get into the car and talk until they get to the luxor.

"Im not ready for this after..." Alie says but stops.

"I know, but itll be ok.. There will be no gun usage on our side, i promise.." Regina says.

"Promise?" Alie asks.

"We all promise," Vy says.

"Ok.." Alie says, feeling peters presence so she smiles and gets out the ghost machine and quietly sets it up in the back row since shes by herself in the row and she hears peters voice and it catches their attention.

"Well well well, you found me sis.." Peters says.

"Huh?!" Vy says

"lil bro..." Alie mumbles.

"You can do this my big sister..." Peters says. "Ill be there to watch you, and to help you out..."

"Thanks lil bro..." Alie says, starting to cry.

Peters hugs alie and she feels his presence. She tries to calm down a bit and does, falling asleep in the process.

"Awh..." Melvin says. "My baby girls sleeping..."

Regina smiles at alie sleeping and sees her smiling.

"We are almost there," Chad says. "Now regina, ill let you fight but step out whenever and BE CAREFUL!"

"Got it!" regina says.

They arrive so Melvin picks up alie and carries her inside. Alie wakes up and sees PZL in better shape than ever. She sees Regina getting angry and PZL sees that anger.

"How ya gonna fight while pregnant you freak?" PZL Asks.

"SHUT UP! JUST BECAUSE I HAVE MY R@PIST'S CHILD IN MY BELLY DOSENT MEAN I CANT FIGHT!" Regina yells, grabbing a stun star and throws it at him but misses. The others step in and fight for hours and hours. Eventually everyone including PZL needs a break so they take a break for about an hour.

"UGH I HATE THIS!" Regina yells.

"I know you do Gina," Melvin says.

"Its literal torture i know love," daniel says.

"I never hated this like i do right now." Regina mumbles.

"I know but we got this," Chad says.

"Yeah! We can do this!" Vy says.

Melvins silent because he is thinking about a breakdown regina had before this.

"Mel, you ok? Alie asks.

Melvin nods no.

"Whats wrong?" Vy asks

"They were broken down on the floor crying prior to this," Melvin says pointing to Regina.

"Awh.." Chad says.

"Look, i know this is stressful, but we need to do it! Im doing this in my little brothers name! Im doing this for Peters!!" Alie says, ready to go into battle, same with regina.

"Back to battle?" PZL Says.

They all nod and get back into fighting.

Chad and Vy are fighting with stun weapons and Regina is slightly fighting too until Regina has to step out because of pain and Melvin goes in for her. They all are fighting for hours and hours.

"DONT GIVE UP! DONT GIVE UP!!" Regina yells to them all.

"WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" they yell, still fighting.

Regina wants to grab a gun but dosent for Alie's sake.

"WE WILL NEVER LOSE!!" They all scream.

PZL grabs a gun right before Regina swings and points it right to her stomach.


"Youre damn lucky i have a soft spot for babys.." He says and points it higher so it wont hurt the baby.

"Pzl." Regina says.

"What do you wanna say before i shoot you." He asks.

"Im bulletproof, nothing to lose, FIRE AWAY, FIRE AWAY YOU BITCH! IF YOU WANNA DIE THEN SHOOT ME!!" she yells.

"Very well then.." PZL says, but right before he pulls the trigger, Vy gets him with a stun tool, temporarily paralizing him.

Regina drops to the ground, crying out of fear and Melvin runs really fast to her and hugs her tight.

"Shh Shh its ok its ok gina..." Melvin says.

"No no no... Gia cant die... Gia cant go!" Regina yells.

She immedietly goes numb after that and goes to PZL.

"YOU WONT KILL ME!" Regina yells.

"You sure about that ?" PZL says.

"Yes, im highly sure." Regina says, trying to stab PZL but he keeps dodging it. "UGH!"

"I wont make it that easy." PZL says.

"Oh really?" Regina taunts.

"Really." PZL says.

"Ok, Fine," Regina says, right as she swing a sword at him.

They all jump in and fight back for a long while until another break is needed but regina will not take a break at all.

"Gina, take a break love," Daniel says

"NO! NEED TO DEFEAT HIM!" Regina says.

PZL puts the gun back to the spot.

"I wish you would." Regina says.

Right as Vy goes to finally attack him, he pulls the trigger and shoots regina. Vy manages to kill PZL for it too and sees melvin run to Regina.

"SIS!!! REGINA!" Melvin screams crying.

"H-Help.." Regina says.

Vy calls an ambulance for Regina and they instantly take her to the hospital.

"REGINA!!" Melvin screams, crying.

They all hug him and calm him down enough so they can drive to the hospital.

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