The Plan

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They are all planning, But Melvin has Regina sitting, as she just took her meds and her arm hurts.

"What's the plan, so I can put the medication on my cuts!" Regina says, clearly in pain.

"We don't know yet, Regina! Don't rush it!" Chad shouts, causing Regina to get very mad.

Regina walks off while the others are planning and puts her medication on her arm to relieve the pain. Afterwards, she walks in her room, but sees Melvin already in there.

"Yes Regina?" Melvin asks.

"Can I umm - be alone?" Regina asks.

"For what purpose?" Melvin asks

"To be by myself and not burst at Chad for yelling!" Regina shouts and it catches Alies attention.

"What the?..." Alie asks.

"Why is everyone in my room!!" Regina shouts & runs into her closet, which is a secret tunnel to a sensory, soundproof room where she can scream her lungs out. She sits in there until she hears Alie coming through the tunnels.

"Regina?" Alie calls out for her and sees her in a corner crying and squeezing her teddy bear.

Alie runs to Regina and hugs her as tight as she can.

"Hey hey hey... It's ok, Regina, Breathe in and out with me..." Alie tries to comfort her.

Alie grabs Regina's hand, but she immediately flinches.

"I'm sorry!" Regina says through her tears.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok Regina..." Alie says, while hugging Regina

Both of them sit there talking for a bit until the others are done with their planning and Regina falls asleep on Alie.

"Awe..." Alie softly says before laying Regina down. "My little angel..."

Alie hears Daniel come down, and he sees Alie stroking Regina's back.

"Don't be doing anything to her." Daniel tells her

"I didn't! I'm helping her calm down! Right my angel?" Alie asks

"Mhm..." Regina mumbles in her sleep and holds alies hand.

Alie smiles and rubs Regina's hand.

"Squeeze my hand if you love Daniel," Alie says.

Regina squeezes Alies hand faintly

"Squeeze my hand if you love me," Alie says jokingly.

Regina squeezes Alies hand really tightly.

"What the..." Daniel mumbles, upset.

Daniel shakes Regina awake and Regina just smacks Daniel

"Leave me a-alone!!" Regina yells, starting to cry again.

Daniel goes back up and right as he leaves, Regina clings onto alie crying.

"Aww Gina... Breathe..." Alie comforts her.

Regina cuddles up close to Alie to try and calm down and does so. Out of the random, Regina grabs Alie by her waist and pulls her close and Alies face gets red.

"W-Wha-" Alie stutters.

Regina knows Daniel is watching and this is all a huge prank started by her, so she can calm down.

"Ginera..." Daniel mumbles and Regina pulls back.

"W-What! W-Whos there!" Regina shouts.

"You betrayer" Daniel mumbles and bangs on the tunnel

Regina is panicking and runs out her exit, and back to the safehouse, grabbing Alies hand and pulls her to the front.

Regina can hear the others planning, and she walks in, holding Alies arm in fear.

"We just finished the plan!" Chad starts. "We will stun any of the bad guys who come in our way!"

"Yes! Genius!" Vy says before hugging chad.

"I just cannot battle..." Chad mumbles.

"Wait why?!" Daniel asks shocked"

"Well..." Chad starts, with tears in his eyes. "I have tumors in my spine that prevent me from battling..."

"Mhm... yeah..." Regina mumbles.

"Woah, you ok sis?" Melvin asks.

Regina nods no.

"Awe sissy..." Melvin mumbles, hugging Regina, but she flinches and immediately runs to Chad, hugging him.
"Melvin, What did you do to her..." Chad asks.

"Nothing!" Melvin shouts.

Regina nods otherwise.

"What did You do, Melvin?!" Chad shouts.

"None of your concern!!" Melvin yells.

Chad pulls Regina aside to talk.

"He isn't d-doing anything! He is just l-loud!" Regina shouts. "Now please! Leave me alone!!"

Regina pushes chad away and runs to Melvin.

"Mel! Mel!" Regina shouts.

Melvin grabs Regina and pulls her close.

"Hey, Hey shh your ok sis..." Melvin comforts.

Regina's crying terribly and puts it into her anger and runs outside to punch a punching bag. Melvin chases after her and sits down next to her.

"Hey, umm... Do you want to know how the plan will immense?" Melvin asks.

"Yes!" Regina says happily.

"Ok so when we go to battle, you know how the PZ leader and Peters has metal right?" Melvin asks.

"Yeah." Regina replies.

"Well, we are using all of our stun tools to hit the metal and possibly have it rust and/or break," Melvin explains

"Got it!" Regina says excitedly. "But why cant i just shoot peters, I mean, look at what he has done to me..."

"Because he is still Alie's brother." Melvin explains. "Alie will full on hurt you."

"Fine with me." Regina mumbles.

"Not fine with me..." Melvin mumbles.

Regina looks a bit pissed, so Melvin hugs her.

"It's going to be ok sis..." Melvin tells her.

"I guess so big bro..." Regina says.

"Look, he won't hurt you, I swear... But you cannot shoot him, ok?" Melvin asks.

"Fine..." Regina mumbles.

"Good, now hey, how about we go play with mr. bear and mr. squiggles, yes?" Melvin asks.

Regina nods and they both go to their room to play with the stuffies and they are in there for about 2 hours until they hear a loud bell and they both look out the door to see what it is.

"Get yourselves ready! Battle is about to be in commence!" Chad shouts.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Regina shouts.

"Get yourselves ready! We have to fight soon! You know this! Stop being lazy and get ready!" Chad yells.

"Your being ridiculous! Its 9am! We don't need to fight!" Regina shouts.
"Oh well! Get ready or you'll die!" Chad yells.

"Thats better than this!" Regina shouts.

"No it isn't, now get ready!!" Chad Shouts.

They both start to get ready and go in the delorean to travel to the headquarters.

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