I never said you'd see me

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*Wednesday's pov*

I have a plan.. but Enid's not gonna like it. but that really doesn't matter right now as Thing is in trouble. I'm gonna do exactly what I said. I'm gonna give myself over to my stalker, but I'll be wearing a wire to catch the persons voice that Enid will be listening to. I don't feel I can trust anyone else but her at this point. I may die but at least we'll be able to discover my stalkers identity in the process. It's not like I haven't been awaiting deaths cold clutch anyway so I guess it's a win win.. that's what they call it right? doesn't matter. what matters right now is Thing.. a hand I'm doing all this for a han- family.

"So what's the plan Wens?!" Enid asked I was taken aback by the nickname but that's not important right now so I answered

"I'm going to do a trade, just like i said. me for Thing bu-"

"What? no! Wednesday you can't! You could get hurt an-" Enid interrupted me which annoyed me

"BUT I'll be wearing a wire so we can identify them"

"what if they have one of those creepy voice changy thingy's! like in movies" she said

"I highly doubt that. why would they reveal their face to me but not their voice?" I asked, well more like stated. In reality they could be wearing a mask and changing their voice. but hopefully Enid doesn't think into it too much so it can ease her concern.

"yeah ok, but what if-"

"Enid enough"

"Fine, but if you get hurt I'll kill you" now she's just starting to sound like me.

*an hour later, Enid's pov*

we set up the whole wire thingy without talking much. I taped it under her shirt which made me feel.. nervous. I'm surprised she even let me touch her but it's to protect Thing and solve a mystery. so I take that back, I'm actually not super surprised. How'd she even know how to do this though? It's technology and she's basically living in the time when tv was still black and white. but idk she's been keeping a lot from me lately. I think I'm gonna ask her about..

"Wednesday how long have you had a stalker?! and why haven't you told me?!" I blurted out.

she gave me a blank stare and replied "I got the first text when I was heading back to my home last semester. and a few more during the time between now and then."

"W-wait it's been that long" I felt hurt that she didn't tell me but also hurt for her. has she really been going through this alone?

"Yes" she replies blankly

I immediately hug her.

ok I've been hugging her for a few seconds and she hasn't pulled away, that's a good sign. maybe she's ready to open up to me a li- I realize her shirt is still pulled up and my face goes red. my hands w-were on her bare skin. why's that make me so nervous?, she's a girl i-it shouldn't.

I pull away and notice her pale face has just a little pink seeping through it. "S-Sorry"

"it's.. ok. let's just go find Thing"

*they're at the back of the school, Wednesday's pov*

I see something in the distance "Thing" I yell out. he looks hurt. not again, this is all my fault. me and Enid run up to an injured Thing. but luckily I can tell the wounds aren't fatal, he'll survive. but he has something curved on him it reads "consider this a warning" then my phone buzzes

Unknown: I never said you'd see me😉

This doesn't make any sense.

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