Wednesday loves me & only me

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*Enid's pov*

"Hello Enid finally awake I see" th-that voice i-it couldn't be, could it? No. I've just lost too much blood. It has to be someone else. He's my friend. h-he wouldn't, blood loss can-

*Unknown pov*

She passed out again, really? I thought werewolves were supposed to be able to handle this kind of thing. how could Wednesday fall for someone so weak? No. I need to Stop. She didn't fall for her, Enid is just a thief that's all. Wednesday loves me & only me.

*no one's pov*

The whole gang was searching for Enid. Wednesday asked Yoko to help well more so told her to but that's not the point cause Yoko would of course help no matter what, Yoko asked Divina and Bianca for help, Bianca asked Xavier for help, and Ajax just kinda wandered over there so they asked him to help. So far, No Luck. Wednesday was panicking.

*Wednesday's pov*

Where is she, is she alive? She has to be. There wasn't enough blood for her to of died from blood loss. of course, she could bleed more but she wasn't taken long ago so that's a highly unlikely cause of death. Provided we're able to locate her soon...why did I have to leave her...

*no one's pov*

Wednesday notices something she should have noticed earlier.

"Where's Thing?" she asks the same urgency in her voice as when she asked the same thing about her Eni-roommate.

*2nd Unknown pov*

She seems scared, Good. I want that little bitch to be terrified.

Although I'll admit I didn't know she had a heart. I really literally wasn't sure, she's so pale.

Too bad her growth won't last long, I'll cut her down like a weed.

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