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*Wednesdays pov*

Well that settles it, Enid has no romantic interest in me. After a couple tries at looking for her, I found her kissing that gorgon. And I nearly tripped over that inconveniently located bush. Which is not like me, I am always aware of my surroundings but something about seeing my roommate kissing him made me loose focus. It's a good thing really, I wouldn't want her unrequited feelings to tamper with our friendship. yet I can't help but feel resentment towards her and the gorgon. it's possible I let our friendship grow out of hand.

I open the door to my room and Xavier is still there?! I do not need him as a nuisance right now.

"Why'd you leave so suddenly?" he sounds almost annoyed. perhaps I was a bit rude earlier but he should understand I needed to solve this mystery. especially since he's the one who brought it up with his mistaken guess about Enid's feelings.

"I apologize for my sudden departure but it was imperative I found my roommate"

"Why?" Why? what ever does he mean.

"I do not understand your question Xavier"

"Why was it "imperative" you find Enid"

"We've been over this. I had to find out where Enid's miss placed anger was coming from, which proved unsuccessful. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get some sleep, please leave"

"That's it?! Just get out? whatever Wednesday"

he exits the room very annoyed. why does everyone I know seem to be angry?

*Enid's pov*

I'm running through the woods to get to you Wednesday. I only hope I'm not too late, I never should have suggested you have Xavier visit.

I open our room door but she's asleep. I don't have the heart to wake her, she doesn't get enough sleep as it is. so I get ready and then lay down on my own bed. the adrenaline seems to of run out because now I am way too nervous, I don't think I'll be able to confess when she wakes up tomorrow. maybe I shouldn't.. I mean i was happy enough before I even realized my feelings were romantic I just came to that conclusion today with the help of my now ex-boyfriend of all people. plus what are the chances she even likes me back? she seems to like Xavier. and what would my parents think about me liking a girl? I think my dad might be cool with it but definitely not my mom, at least I hope my dad would be but he wouldn't show it around my mom. but honestly they hate everything I do, so what's just one more thing? just like with wolfing out it's not like I have control over this. but still there's that little voice in my head that wants my parents approval.. so what should I do?

Ugh so many questions and no answers.

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