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*Enid's pov*

Okay I really need to figure out how Xavier pulled this off, so I can show proof to Wednesday. It's simple, I figure out how he did this, gather proof, and show the proof to Wednesday... there's only one problem. I have absolutely no idea how to do any of that...

Ugh but I really need to try. I pull out that thingy attached to my arm again and get up to start looking, for clues I guess?

*Wednesday's pov*

Enid has just revealed to me that Xavier is the one who stabbed her. But Xavier was with me and the others during the time Enid was missing. Plus Thing saw Rodriguez do it. wait? could it be.. could a shapeshifter be involved? the only reason this hasn't crossed my mind is that the only known one within town is- was the late principal Weems. there could be another I'm not aware of... but it's better I be certain.

Although it isn't my top concern whether Rodriguez being put through a small amount of torture was justified or not. I still need to know..

"Enid was Mr Rodriguez involved in this at all?"

She said he wasn't, perhaps I do feel a bit wrong for that. but they'll be time enough to apologize after I figure out just what exactly is going on here.

First things first, I need Xavier to believe i trust him.

I tracked him down as soon as Enid fell asleep and told him I believed Enid's trauma is what caused her to believe it was Xavier, rather than the fact that he did indeed do it.

I hear something hit the ground and turn in the direction of the noise. I see a blur of someone running away, it's most likely Enid. I hadn't expected her to wake up this soon, but I didn't think it impossible either. The plan should still go smoothly.


After I deceive Xavier into believing me even more and unfortunately upsetting Enid in the process. I pull out my phone and text Yoko to look closely into Weem's death, Enid trusts her so I'm putting mine in her as well.


I still cannot believe I almost informed Enid of the plan, that would've put her in danger. But being in such an intimate moment with her felt wrong while still holding truths and even directly lying to her.

Suddenly my phone makes that startling buzzing sound, it's Yoko.


After pinpointing this nauseous feeling as guilt. I decide I have to confront who I now know to be Weems early. Only after this is done can Enid know of my faith in her, for her safety. It isn't ideal but I fear if I don't do it now this sickness would only get worse and then I wouldn't be functioning properly to take down anyone.

I saw the person she's disguised as walk into the restroom. It was a foolish disguise really, I looked into all of the staff that could possibly be handling Enid, that women doesn't even work Fridays. of course it could be intentional, there's a possibility she wants me to catch on to her. either way I'm prepared enough...
Flashback over

A/N: getting back to what happened the previous chapter next chapter.

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