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Giyu could hear a distant calling. Groggy and hurting he pushed himself up. That crash took them off guard, not even him could saw the incoming car only when it was too late.

The taste of blood invaded his mouth. His vision a blurry mess and his body screaming from pain at every movement. Yet, his senses kicked in with an adrenaline rush when the realization struck his brain.


The woman is no different from Giyu. The impact was more than enough to throw her senses around.

"T-Tomioka-San?" She tried to grasp whatever is happening around her.

'Good, she is still conscious.'

That was a good start. Now, step two.

Luckily the door didn't jammed, getting out was easy enough, though his body was not pleased with the sudden movement. Pain crawled up his legs to his head.


Bad idea.

"Giyu!" This time Shibobu tried her best to get out of the car only to be held back by the pain on her side.

Pushing her limits she exited the car. The sight was worth beholding: a crashed car, a crowd of people trying to get a first row seat on the scene and two people crawling out of the accident.

"Are you alright?"

A man wearing an uniform from a local restaurant approached the lovers as soon as the crash took place. He was on his way back after a delivery and fate put him as a witness of such accident.

Belive it or not, the restaurant worker felt relief when the two people crawled out, at least no one is gravely injured. At least no live was taken... however.

A man in black suit, with a red oni mask walked out of the SUV, his hands holding a gun and his eyes were like fire. With a swift move, the gun aimed against Giyu and Shinobu.


Like the roar of a lion, bullets flew toward their direction, injuring the kind the unlucky worker who fell to the ground with a wound and blood splatter everywhere.

"Run, Shinobu!"

Giyu pulled the woman as bullets flew past their way. It was a race against death. With swiftness they reached the bike of the worker and Giyu started the engine. Shinobu on the other side was carrying their backpack and with all the strength her small body can muster, she grabbed to Giyu.

The bike immediately accelerated when the blue eyed man put his all to the speed. It is a matter of life and death. Time is up and their window of peace is over. Now it has become a hunt against them.

"Where are we going?" Shinobu asked from behind.

"I'm working on that!" Giyu accelerated and made his way to the main street, the more obstacles between them and their pursuers the better.

However, they are no fools. Hunting down an elite soldier like Giyu is something that cannot be done with guns alone. It requires more than that.

Two bikes trailed from behind, black helmets on their heads and machine guns at their sides.

"Uh, Giyu..." Shinobu spotted the new threat that approaches "You better speed up."

There was no time to explain since bullets began to fly around, they cared not about the traffic or the day time, it was a priority to take down Giyu.

"Hold tight!" The former soldier wanted as he took a harsh turn. An attempt to evade both, their pursuers and any civilian from harm.

Through the mirrors, he could see the attackers. Two of them, left and right.

Extreme Ways (GiyuShino) Where stories live. Discover now