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Wednesdays POV

As Enid is practically carrying me up the stairs, I push her off when we get to the dorm door.

Wednesday: "Enid I can walk for myself."

Enid: "Okay." She says smiling at me as she opens the door letting me go.

As I take a step into the dorm I collapse onto the floor. Enid laughs as she picks me up from off the floor.

Enid: "When you weren't around the nurse told me that it would be hard for you to walk."

As I observe the room I look towards the window seeing that it was boarded up. I give her a death stare as she picks me up from the ground sitting me on my chair. I did not want blood on my bed.

Enid: "She also told me to help you change."

Wednesday: "No"

Enid: " I thought that might be your answer. Well too bad what pjs do you want to wear?"

Wednesday: "The ones that I choose."

I stand up trying not to fall but I slip and land on my back. Groaning in pain Enid rushes over to me, picking me up.

Enid: "Wednesday stop being stubborn and let me help you."

She placed me back in the chair throwing me around like I'm her favorite Barbie doll.

Wednesday: "Fine, but this is a one time thing."

Enid: "Yes I know."

Enid picks out a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants. She walks over to me and looks at me for permission to take my clothes off. I stare into her ocean blue eyes. I watch as her face starts to turn red like a tomato. I nod giving her consent.

Enid stands me up slipping my trench coat off and placing it on the floor. It was bloody. She then starts to unbuckle my belt, not making eye contact with me at all. I watch as she slips her hands around my waist to get the belt out of the loops. As she drops the belt on the floor she looks up at me smiling. I watch her the whole time, she is very mesmerizing. She starts to unbutton my jeans pulling the zipper down. She untucks my shirt slowly when she gets to the back. Since my wounds are on my lower back.

When she finished untucking she unbuttons my  shirt baring my stomach and bra. I watch as she stares at my stomach and black laced bra. I snap in her face. She immediately starts to slowly pull my sleeves out and takes off my shirt. She grabs the black sweatshirt and places it over my body gently and carefully. I know she is very caring and gentle but I'm not a baby and I like pain.

She takes my shoes off then grabs the bottom of my jeans and slowly pulls them down. As she takes my jeans off leaving me in black socks, black underwear, and a black sweatshirt. I watch as she grabs my black sweatpants. Her face was beaming red. I wonder why. She comes over and slips them through my feet bringing them up her hands brushed my thighs making me jump a little. Her hands were surprisingly warm. As she finished she stood me up and laid me down in my bed and tucked me in.

Wednesday: "Enid I don't need help being tucked in."

Enid: "Too bad and also while talking to the nurse she said we didn't have to attend class tomorrow, it'll be just me and you."

Wednesday: "I will be planning my grave."

Enid: "Oh stop it won't be that bad, all I have to do is take care of you, and all you have to do it be a good patient."

Wednesday: "I will be your easiest patient."

Enid smiles as she turns away picking up her side of the room as she was watching her phone. I check the time and it says "9:21pm" I turn my bedside light off and try to fall asleep but I couldn't because my wound was increasing in pain. I kept groaning and turning in my sleep trying to get comfortable.

Enid: "Wens are you okay."

Wednesday: "Wens? Really Enid."

Enid: "Stop, ignore the nickname. Are you okay? You keep making noise and you don't make noise."

Wednesday: "I'm finding it hard to fall asleep, but I will figure it out so don't worry."

I watch as Enid walks over picking up my covers and lays next to me. She places her hand over me basically cuddling me. She then proceeds to place her leg over mine. I watch as thing scurries to Enids side and turns the light off leaving the room pitch black. I look down at Enid staring at her beautiful curly hair. With her blue and red tips. I pick my hand up as I slowly start to caress and twirl her hair. I feel her smiling against my body.

I feel as my face starts to burn. I don't know why. I ignore it and I end up falling asleep comfortably.

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