Yellow Eyes

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Enid POV

As I sit there watching YouTube with Pugsley and Lurch. A surgeon walks up to us. We all quickly avert our gaze to the Surgeon.

Surgeon: "Can we talk."

We all nod our heads yes. I am slightly scared because of the tone in her voice. 

Surgeon: "Good news or bad news."

I look over to Pugsley and he looks at me. 

Morticia: "Bad news."

Surgeon: "She will be out for 2 days or a full week."

Enid: "And good news?"

Surgeon: "The surgery went well and she should make a full recovery."

Enid: "Oh thank god."

I turn to hug Pugsley. 

Surgeon: "You can also see her now, but she is not awake."

Enid: "Where, where is she."

Surgeon: "Down the hall in room 1."

I quickly run down to the room throwing open the door. My eyes seeing her again. She's not wearing her clothes, she's wearing a hospital gown. I walk over to her seeing bruises on her face and marks. I know she's hurting so I'm not going to hug her. But what I am going to do is wait here till she wakes up. I grab a chair in the room and pull it over to her side. I sit in it as I gently grab her hand and hold it.

I place my head on the bed. My forehead hitting her side. I don't move and just stay there. Until her family walks inside. I quickly move my head up and let go of her hand.

Gomez: "Enid you don't have to let go of her hand."

Enid: "How did you kno-"

Morticia: "Were Addams."

Enid: "Right."

I smile as I place Wednesdays hand back in mine. The Family gathers around her bed. I look around seeing Lurch pull out a mini piano. He started playing instrumental music. I watched as everyone in their families bowed their heads. Okay Wednesday didn't tell me about this tradition. I just bow my head to fit in, I squeeze her hand hoping for a squeeze back but no response.

As Lurch finishes up the song. Everyone pulls their heads back up. Lurch starts to play some faint music as everyone brings up small talk. I just stare back at Wednesday. Remembering how I felt when she would look at me with her beautiful brown eyes. The noises her typewriter would make. Her touch, everything. 

Fester: "So Enid, I heard you're a werewolf."

Enid: "Yes I am."

Fester: "Mind showing us."

Enid: "Sure, why not."

I decide to make my eyes glow yellow. I begin to think of things that make me mad. I thought about Walt and Walt's parents hurting Wednesday and almost killing her, this made me very angry and I felt it run through my veins. I open my eyes feeling the bright yellow in them.

Fester: "Wow that is amazing."

Grandmama: "Very talented."

I watch as Wednesdays parents and Pugsley clap for me. It brought a smile to my face because I have never been this loved before. It made me feel I was doing something right with my life. I look back to Wednesday as my smile fades into a worrying state. I hope she wakes up soon. I need to hear her voice again. 

Morticia: "Why don't we all grab some dinner."

Everybody says yes except me. They all stare at me wanting an answer. I look back over to Wednesday.

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