Eggs Hurt

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Enid POV


Enid: "Omg shut up you stuipd thing."

I slam on my alarm clock. As I turn back over staring at my calendar. I have nothing planned today except for school. Great. I'm not doing anything and I might as well go. I know Walt probably won't be there since Wednesday shot him.

I run over to stare at Wednesday. She gets up from her bed and walks over to the bathroom.

Enid: "Well good morning Wednesday."

Wednesday: "Good morning Enid."

I watch as Wednesday enters the bathroom and shuts the door. I look over to her side and see thing staring at me.

Enid: "What do you want a good morning too."

Thing: "Yes."

Enid: "Well good morning Thing."

I watch as he scurried away under Wednesdays bed. I look toward the bathroom as I hear the door open.

Wednesday: "So I'm assuming you would like to go to school today?"

Enid: "I've got nothing better to do."

I watch as Wednesday walks away and grabs her uniform. She heads back into the bathroom closing the door. I take this as my chance to change. I quickly get up and grab my uniform I slip it on. I go over to my mirror and apply makeup as I watch Wednesday come out with her hair braided like every other day.

Wednesday: "You don't need that."

I stop applying eye shadow and look over to her.

Enid: "Don't need what?"

Wednesday: "Makeup, you don't need it. Your face should not have to be formed a different way just so you can avert the males gaze to you. Or to try and impress someone."

Enid: "What if it's not a male gaze I'm trying to get at."

Wednesday: "What do you mean."

I watch as Thing comes out and signs to Wednesday. Wednesday looks down and watches him.

Thing: "Wow you are dumb, she's making it so very obvious."

Wednesday: "Thing what are you trying to get at."

I watch as thing scurries away.

Enid: "You know what never mind, and I'm ready to go are you?"

Wednesday: "Yes I'm ready, let's grab our bags then we may leave."

Me and Wednesday grab our bags then we head out the door. Me and Wednesday don't have first hour together. She has science I have math, but luckily Yoko is with me. I leave Wednesday as I head to math. I sit next to Yoko as I pull out my notebook and pens to take notes.

Yoko: "So how are you and Wednesday?"

Enid: "Wdym how are we, we're roommates we're fine."

Yoko: "I think I see something that could be potentially more than just roommates."

I stare at Yoko as my face begins to turn red. I turn away from embarrassment as I stare back at the board. I hear her chuckle as she turns back to the board as well.

As class ends I walk out with Yoko. I have batony class with Wednesday next. I say goodbye to Yoko as I go to see Wednesday. As I walk inside I see Wednesday sitting at a table by herself. I go over to her table and take the seat next to her. I take out my notes and get ready for class.

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