Sheriff's Office

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Enid's POV

I awake to fingertips scurrying around the room. I lift my head slowly off of Wednesdays chest as I use my night vision. I watch as Thing runs around the room. He looks as if he was panicking.

Enid: "Thing what's wrong."

He quickly turns around and jumps at my voice. I think I startled him.

Thing: "Why are you up, also the book is gone."

Enid: "I woke up hearing you, what book?"

Thing: "The one that has information about Walt."

Enid: "What do you mean it's gone?"

Thing: "It's missing I can't find it in here. It's not in here usual drawer."

I get up slowly trying not to wake up the sleeping Addams. I walk over to her desk still wearing the clothes from the party. I grab my shirt and pull it to my nose. Alcohol, great I probably said some things I shouldn't have last night. I open Wednesdays drawer as I look for the book not seeing it. I find a crumpled note inside. I pick it up as I remember that Wednesdays crumpled a paper because she did not want me to see it.

I slowly fold it open as Thing jumps up and snatched it from my hand.

Enid: "Hey what the heck!"

Thing: "You should respect her privacy and stop snooping. I told you there was no book."

Enid: "Okay fine but what is wrong with that note  and why can't I read it."

Thing: "Because it's none of your business."

Enid: "Okay fine we'll we need to find the bo-."

Wednesday: "Enid, need to find what."

I watch as she sits up from the bed, with her tired voice. I stare at her as she eyes me. She raises her eyebrow as she realizes something is wrong.

Wednesday: "What's going on? Why are you and thing running around the room?"

Enid: "Um well you see there's um-."

Thing: "Walt's book isn't in you drawer it's missing."

Wednesday: "What."

I watch as she pulls the covers off of herself and runs to her drawer she throws it open and it exposes an empty drawer.

Wednesday: "Where's the paper."

I watch as thing throws it to her. She shoved it back inside the drawer and begins pacing in the room.

Wednesday: "Enid you did not read that did you."

Enid: "No I didn't and why are you asking."

Wednesday: "Just making sure you aren't snooping."

I smile at her as I begin to blush. I watch as she looks away and searches the room for the book. She first checks her closet as I begin looking under her bed I give her a side eye as she is staring at me.

Wednesday: "Wait Enid don't-."

Enid: "So what really are these for."

I pull the handcuffs out from under her bed and place them in her hands.

Wednesday: "We already had this discussion."

Enid: "That was a lie."

Wednesday: "Sinclair this is not important, we need to find this book."

Enid: "Fine I'll let it go."

I look away as I blush knowing exactly what they are for. I begin searching my side as I look under my bed to see a part of what looks like dragon scales.

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