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Enids POV

I can't see anything. All I see is pitch black. Darkness. Is this how Wednesday sees the world. I try to move my hands around but I can't seem to they are tied tightly around my wrists with rope. I feel that I am in a car as it stops. The door opens and someone grabs me out of the car and takes the bad off of my head. I am met with a house and a graveyard next to it. He drags me into the house. As he drags me up the stairs. I start to realize who he is.

Enid: "Walt.."

Walt: "I am going to make you suffer."

He shoves me into a room and placed a rope around my neck.

Wednesdays POV

My eyes start to shuffle awake as I feel Enid moving and whimpering. I look at her face to see tears streaming down it. I gently shake the girl cause her eyes to bulge open.

Wednesday: "Enid, what's wrong."

Enid: "OMG, thank you baby Jesus. It was just a dream."

Wednesday: "What kind of dream. Like a nightmare."

Enid: "Yes you could say that."

Wednesday: "What was it about?"

I asked trying to get her to tell me. She started grabbing my sweatshirt positioning herself into a more comfortable spot. Enid straddles my lap and begins to talk.

Enid: "Well basically Walt kidnapped me and took me to a house with a graveyard and he brought me inside and hung me. But before I got to that part you woke me up."

I look at Enid in shock as I realize, we had the same dream. I had the dream about finding Enid hung in a house with a graveyard. I wonder if this is a sign that Walt is coming to take Enid. I cannot let that happen.

Enid: "Wednesday why are you making that face? Is there something you want to tell me?"

Wednesday: "Enid I had the same dream, but instead I found you."

Enid: "Oh my gosh, that's actually kinda cool did you dream like just transfer to my brain."

Wednesday: "Enid this is serious, this could be a sign that Walt is coming for you."

Enid: "Wednesday your starting to scare me."

Wednesday: "I believe that it's a warning we have to be careful. No leaving the dorm until I'm healed."

Enid: "Fine."

Enids gets off my lap and grabs the first aid kit. 

Enid: "Well since we're gonna be here all day let me get your wound clean first."

Wednesday: "Fine."

I turn over onto my stomach. Laying my head in my pillow prepared for what is about to come. The redness in my face. I have no idea why but it doesn't kill or hurt me. As Enid begins to pull my sweatshirt up my face goes red. She unwraps the bandage off my back. She grabs the alcohol and the cotton ball and begins to run it over my stitches. I stare at her as I watch her very focused. I stopped admiring her when I felt her other hand rest on the top of my back. Touching my bare skin. Chills ran down my spine from her touch.

Enid: "Wednesday are you okay, your face is really red."

Wednesday: "I'm fine Enid."

I turn my face away from hers as she continues until she abruptly stops.

Enid: " Wait a second. Was Wednesday Addams just blushing."

Wednesday: "No Enid and I don't even know what that is."

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