Pain Killers

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Wednesday POV

I gently place Enid onto the bed as she is still unconscious.

Wednesday: "Nurse! Nurse!"

I look over my shoulder to hear a thud. I watch as the nurse fell out of her chair.

Nurse: "Im here, I'm here. Oh my what happened."

Wednesday: "Were you sleeping!"

Nurse: "No of course not, now what happened."

Wednesday: "It's a long story all you need to worry about is helping her, please."

Nurse: "Yes of course."

I watch as she pulls Enid shirt up exposing the wound. It hurts seeing another person's hands on her. The wound was big, gaping, definitely requiring stitches. She grabs a rag applying pressure to the wound. I watch as Enid's eyes start opening.

Enid: "Oh my god, Ow!"

I quickly ran over to Enid. She grabs at the sheets groaning in pain. I watch as she looks at me. Her eyes filled with tears.

Enid: "Wednesday it hurts so bad."

Nurse: "I know, it'll be over soon."

I watch as the nurse goes over grabbing the stitches kit. She comes back opening the kit getting ready to stitch Enid's wound.

Nurse: "I'm going to start stitching now, this is going to hurt so be ready."

I watch as Enid desperately tries grabbing onto something. I take this as an opportunity and let her grab my hand holding it tight. I watch as the nurse applies the first stitch. Enid lets out a scream and holds my hand tighter. I look over to find a hospital gown on the bed next to Enid's. I grab it and signal to her to open her mouth. She does so, I place the gown in her mouth.

As the nurse continues to stitch Enid lets out more whimpers and cries. I wipe her tears as my other hand is gripping hers firmly. The nurse finally applies the last stitch tying together the end. Enid lets out one last cry before her screams come to an end. Enid moves her head down to look at her stomach. As her spectral vision finds the wound she immediately looks away, laying her head back onto the pillow.

Enid: "Wednesday, I need pain killers."

Nurse: "I have some kiddo, don't you worry. I'll be right back, i'm gonna go grab some."

I watch as the nurse leaves, leaving me and Enid alone. I look down at Enid's wound seeing it rise up from bruising. Usually massaging helps with bruising and is tolerated like a pain killer.

Wednesday: "Enid, do you mind if I try to help you."

Enid: "Just be careful it already hurts enough."

Wednesday: "I'll be gentle I promise."

Enid nods as she smiles at me. Her mascara is running down her face as she has been through a lot tonight. I let go of Enid's hand as she lets out a loud sigh. I gently place both of my hands around her wound as she shutters at my touch. I gently massage around her wound. Tracing my fingers around it massaging the bruising. I feel her breath slow down as she stares at me. I look up at her as she gives me her glossy eyes.

My head turns around as I hear the door knob shuffle around. The nurse comes through holding many prescribed pain killers. I quickly take my hands off of Enid as she lets out a chuckle.

Nurse: "Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting?"

Wednesday: "No not at all, painkillers please."

Nurse: "Yes right, here you go, and she must have at least 2 every day. Along with her other medicine that will make the wound heal. She must take 1 of these every day."

Wednesday: "Got it, now can she come back to the dorm?"

Nurse: "Yes but she has to go by wheelchair."

I watch as the nurse points to the wheelchair in the corner. Nodding my head, I go over and grab it. I roll it over by Enid's bed as the nurse helps her get into it. I roll Enid to the door as I stop.

Wednesday: "Thank you for this."

Nurse: "Oh yes of course, now stay out of trouble okay."

Enid: "Will do."

With that I exit the room pushing Enid to our dorm. The only problem is we use the stairs to our dorm because it's faster, but now we have to use the elevator. I walk over and push the up arrow. It opens as I roll Enid inside. I click number 3 as it closes. It starts playing elevator music as I stand there uncomfortable. Enid begins to start dancing to the elevator music. I can't stand this woman.

As the elevator opens I hurriedly get out of their. I stroll down to our dorm, unlocking it I roll Enid inside. As I close the door behind me locking it. I watch as Enid stands up walking to her bed side as if she does not have a huge wound.

Wednesday: "Sinclair what are you doing your going to get hurt."

Enid: "Aww are you worried about me?"

I give her a death stare as she stops teasing me.

Enid: "Okay we'll I didn't tell you but since I'm a werewolf my wounds heal faster then a normal human. I'll be fine with the pain killers for now."

I take the painkillers out of my pocket and toss them to Enid who is sitting on her bed. She placed them inside her drawer as she stares back at me. I walk over to my room and begin to find my clothes for bed. As I scrummage through my drawer Enid speaks up.

Enid: "Wednesday can I tell you something."

Wednesday: "Sure."

I don't look at her as she starts her sentence. Still trying to find pants to wear to bed.

Enid: "Well I would like to say thank you for massaging my wound for me while the nurse was gone."

Wednesday: "It was just a simple gesture to help your pain."

Enid: "mhm."

Wednesday: "What did you say."

I turn to face Enid now, she looks at me before shrugging her shoulders smiling. She leans back and goes under her covers turning of her bedside light making her room dark. I turn back around forgetting the conversation. I finally found the pants and change on my side not caring if Enid is staring.

As I finish changing I lay down in my bed. Getting comfortable. Suddenly thing pops out and shuts off the light. I throw my head up staring at him.

Wednesday: "Not so fast mister. Where have you been."

I say crossing my arms.

Thing: "I was busy."

Wednesday: "Doing what looking at feet pics."

Enid pops up staring at Wednesday through the dark.

Enid: "Wednesday! Don't say that."

Thing: "Yeah and I was busy doing my own thing thank you very much, but I'm sorry you guys got hurt. I won't ask you what happened but I expect an explanation tomorrow so I can help you."

Wednesday: "Fine now let me sleep."

Enid: "Good night Wednesday."

Wednesday: "Night Enid."

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