8 | C A R E

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Aria decided to go to the Grill to calm herself down she hated the feelings that increased when her sister was involved

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Aria decided to go to the Grill to calm herself down she hated the feelings that increased when her sister was involved. She was the only person who could make Aria explode she had no clue what she had done for Elena to change so quickly. Jeremy was her twin and her best friend they were the closest which Elena was always jealous of. Elena was the parent's favourite everyone could knew that but Aria had Jeremy and that was enough for her to never feel alone.

Sighing at her thoughts she enters the Grill and sits down in a booth. Like a switch, her emotions had turned negative and they were increasing at a crazy speed. Turing her head to the right to look at her surroundings looking for anyone who seems angry. But everyone was calm, only feelings of happiness and contentment at the Grill.

Aria could feel her heat beat increase, then fear started to flow into her, she was about to scream when she heard a voice in her head.

"I don't need her to be dead, but you might" The familiar voice from this afternoon pushed through her mind.

"What attacked you the other night?" Damon's voice flows through Aria's head again.

"I don't know. An animal" the voice changes to one of her best friends.

"Vicky" Aria whispers rushing out of the Grill when she hears Damon's voice again.

"Are you sure about that? Think. Think about it. Think really hard. What attacked you"

Aria's hands go to her head trying to stop the words that were invading her mind. Shaking her head "No, No, No" she hears a word that makes her stop her movement.

"A vampire" Vicky states.

Aria snapped out of her shocked state and stumbles on the path outside the Grill as the hears the voices get closer walking towards the pull, the feeling made her stand in front of the mystic falls clock.

"Who did this to you" Damon demands. Aria looks up and realizes where the voices were coming from.

"Shit" She mumbles opening up the door and seeing the amount of stairs there were to climb. "You are so dead" She stairs to run up the stairs.

"You did!" Vicky shouts in fear.

"Wrong!" Damon states as he smells Aria getting closer to them.

"Don't" Stefan says scared not just for Vicky or himself, but he also could sense Aria getting closer to them.

Aria was breathing heavily only half way up the long stair case "I hate running"

"Come here" Damon's emotionless voice orders.

"Stefan Salvatore did this to you" Damon's voice again, getting closer to the top of the building.

"Stefan Salvatore did this to me" Vicky repeats.

"He's a vampire. A vicious, murderous monster." Damon says.

"Please Damon don't do this" Stefan pleads.

"If you couldn't fix it before, I don't know what you can do now" Damon says to his brother.

Aria finally got to the top of the building, onto the roof and opens to door. Appearing in front of the two vampires and Vicky.

"Ria?" Vicky questions overwhelmed with what was happening to her.

Aria leans against the wall and takes deep breathes and holds her finger up "Give me a second."

"Did you seriously get out of breath from running up the stairs?" Damon questions, he couldn't lie when his body language changed around Aria. Now she was here his anger was slowly dissolving and he hated the control she had over him. Come on she was a fifteen-year-old girl.

"Actually, it's the massive headache that's pounding in my brain because of you" Aria rubs her temples.

"I know I've literally killed people, but you can't blame a headache on me" Damon defends himself.

"So you didn't just tell Vicky to blame Stefan for the bite" Aria mumbles "Dang it must of gotten it wrong"

"How?" Stefan questions looking at Aria who seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"How the freck should I know" Aria shouts groaning at the pain behind her eyes.

"Anyone got any Vodka?" She adds.

"So you heard the conversation?" Damon asks the fifteen-year-old. "And no Alcohol you are too young for that"

"It was engraved into my brain" Aria explains and gives him a innocent look "Aww how sweet you do care"

"I don't care" Damon scoffs at how ridiculous the girl sounded.

"Sure, you don't" Aria sarcastically says.

"I don't" Damon stares narrowing his eyes.

Aria smirks walking to the edge of the building looking down "Hmmm? Are you sure about that?"

Damon didn't like the smirk on her face. That was his smirk, his 'I'm going to do something stupid look' and he hated that Aria had an idea which he knew was going to end back.

"So, if I jumped off here you wouldn't care?" Aria questions the vampire.

"Nope" Damon states but everyone could tell in his voice he was unsure.

"That's alright, you're not the first to not care" Aria informs him surging her shoulder.

"Guess I was wrong Stefan" Aria looks to see Vicky asleep behind him on the floor.

Stefan gives her a sad smile "Maybe but a part of what you said was right"

"No, he likes to see people suffer, he enjoys seeing the life drain off people" Aria stands up on the ledge causing Stefan's protectiveness to kick it and move towards her. Damon felt the same as his brother, but he pushed it away. Not wanting to let her get under his skin, she was a distraction changing him from what he came back here to do.

"Aria" Stefan warns.

"It's fine" Aria waves him off.

"So Dead dude's twin" She turns to Damon. "What's the plan? Kill Vicky? Kill me? blame the deaths on Stefan?"

"Well kind of was in the middle of my plan when you interrupted" Damon mumbles.

"That's a shame isn't it" Aira shakes her head.

" You want Stefan to feel the pain you do. The Sadness, the regret, the pain everything that you feel, you want Stefan to experience it" She adds.

"Well what better way to make his feel those thing if he get's blamed for pushing me off here" Aria hovers one of her feet over the edge.

"tell Vicky that Stefan pushed me. It's simply" Aria states.

"No" Stefan shakes his head. "Don't"

"Oppies to late" Aria starts to fall off the edge.

"Aria!" Stefan shouts going to grab her however surprisingly Damon got there before him and pulled her back onto the roof.

"You're already annoying me Tiny" Damon mumbles hating the feeling of fear he felt as he saw her fall.

"If I recall you did say we were going to get along just fine" Aria mumbles with a sweet smile.


Awh Damon does have a heart.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now