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When Aria had said she was becoming bored with her new normal routine in Beacon Hills, she didn't expect herself to end up involved in a fight between an Alpha pack and the people who were taking care of her

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When Aria had said she was becoming bored with her new normal routine in Beacon Hills, she didn't expect herself to end up involved in a fight between an Alpha pack and the people who were taking care of her. Or to watch one of them nearly die right in front of her, but of course no one believed her when she assured Scott and his pack that Derek wasn't dead.

Peter was the only person who knew she was telling the truth and even commented that because she is the only heir to the royal throne, she has a connection to every supernatural creature in the world and yet they still didn't believe her apart from Stiles. It made her pissed that they still didn't trust her.

This then led to Coach seeing her choking Scott in the locker room, making her now be his assistant as punishment for her actions. Causing her to be on the bus with hormonal, sweaty teenage boys.

"Is it safe?" A now familiar voice states from beside her "Or should I keep my distance."

The hybrid turns her attention from looking outside the window and glances at the person beside her.

"Aiden" She greets one of the Alpha twins with a roll of her eyes before looking out of the window again.

She would have to admit that the twins had been more welcoming than Scott and any of his friends, all because she was linked to Peter and because of who her father was, and they automatically assumed she would be psycho killer like both of them.

"Oh" Aiden pouts nudging her with his shoulder, "Why's the princess so sad, or should I say soon to be Queen?" he whispers with a grin.

"Sad? No. Wanting to rip a certain someone's throat out with my teeth? Yes." Aria smirks before raising an eyebrow at the boy "And who says I'll become Queen?"

Aiden lightly chuckles "Sound's entertaining, can I join?"

"I think I'll manage" Aria assured him, before groaning in annoyance as she watched Boyd's nail sharpen. "I'll be back." She mumbled before getting out of her seat and started to walk towards the front of the bus.

Within a second Aria was behind Boyd, her hand wrapped around his wrist her own nails digging into his skin. "Don't you dare." She warns with a slight glare as she sits down in a different seat.

"Get off me" Boyd growls out, trying to tug his arm away from the girl, causing her grip to become tighter.

"Not happening." Aria hisses out "Were you seriously about to attack someone on this bus, in front of countless witnesses. Human witnesses."

"So what?" He retorts, narrowing his eyes. "You weren't there. You didn't see what they did." He spits outs.

Aria humourlessly laughs, "Actually I was, what do you think caused you all to pass out." She shakes her head "And I thought vampires were brainless." She whispers to herself.

She couldn't believe that no one asked for help, they decided to fight with an Alpha pack and nobody told her. They were lucky she got there when she did because Scott and his friends were weak and exhausted.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now