12 | C I V I L

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"Honey I'm home" Aria sarcastically sings as she walks into the Salvatore house

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"Honey I'm home" Aria sarcastically sings as she walks into the Salvatore house.

Damon Scoffs "Yeah sure why don't you come in." taking a sip from his whiskey glass.

"It's not like it's my home or anything"

Aria gives him a sympathetic smile "I'm not the one who needs permission to enter a place Edward Cullen Wannabe."

Damon furrows his eyebrows "Edward Cullen who?"

"Seriously? The stalker disco ball dude" Aria throws her hands up in the air.

Damon shakes his head at the girl in front of him "I liked you better Mute Ri"

He  was confused at how easy it was for him and her to grow a friendship just like now how he gave her a nickname without meaning too and how  quickly the protectiveness came back.

Every time he was near he would listen to her heartbeat wanting to see if see was a good actor and was truly scared of him. But it never changed if anything her heartbeat calm down to a stable pace around him.

Aria rolls her eyes at his insult "There's Dam Dam the one we all know and love" she says mockingly trying to hide the smile forming from hearing his name for her.

Damon narrows his eyes "Dam Dam? Really?"

Aria simply shrugs her shoulders " Could call you Vampy or Sharky? Get it? because of your teeth?"

"Haha, very funny" Damon mutters.

Aria nods in agreement "Extremely funny"

"Shouldn't you be at school kid?"

"Probably until I was told that Vicky hadn't been seen it a few days" Aria walks closer into the living room seeing her friend asleep on the couch "Oh look at that."

Damon fakes gasps covering his mouth with his hands "Where did she come from?"


"What's wrong with her?" Aria asks kneeling down next to her sleeping friend.

"Dying," Damon states sitting down on the opposite couch drinking his whisky.


"It's true"

"That isn't happening" Aria shakes her head.

Damon sighs hating seeing the upset expression on Aria's face "I could give her my blood it will heal her"

"Please," Aria said sitting down on the sofa and putting Vicky's head in her lap.

Damon places his glass down on the coffee table and walks toward the two girls, biting his wrist before putting placing it in front of Vicky's mouth, gradually the girl starts drinking his blood.

"Thank you" Aria gives the vampire a small smile.

"Just don't try and kill me again that shit hurt," Damon says rubbing his temples still feeling the pain.

Aria chuckles "Would you believe me if I didn't mean to do that" stroking Vicky's hair.

"Surprisingly yes," Damon says softly.

"I just wanted you to feel how much anger I had for you and what you did to Caroline"

Aria explains to Damon. It was nice for once she didn't have to act like she knew what was happening to her and could be completely honest with the vampire. Maybe because of the protectiveness, or the fact he was always honest and blunt with his answers, or because she could relate to how much sadness he had bottled up.

" I'm sorry," Damon says gently looking at Aria.

Aria looks back at his tilting her head confused and a little shocked "Why are you sorry?"

Damon walks back toward the other couch and sits down taking a deep breath "I came back to mystic falls for one reason and one reason only. Coming back here I never thought of the complications that would follow."

"Me and Elena are the complication" Aria nods in understanding.

Damon laughs at how clever the fifteen-year-old was " It makes me frustrated and annoyed at how much when you are around my mind goes straight to making sure you are safe and protected. Then Elena steps into the picture and that all washes away"

"Tell me about it. I wanted a quiet year and it's only been a week and looks at what's been going on" Aria says.

"Don't forget about the part of being disowned my Elena" Aria adds

Damon looks at her curiously "How come?"

"You really want me to dump my drama on you?" Aria says.

Damon nods seriously "Why not? we both have fucked up lives" He points a figure at her sternly "Don't repeat that word."

"I'm fifteen not five" Aria retorts.

Aria sighs at Damon's pointed look "Fine alright but you have to tell me about you're past after."

Damon huffs "Fine"

"Not that deep Elena had always been the golden child in the family, I didn't mind as much since me and Jeremy were always joint at the hip. I never asked for anything but the one night I needed them the most they weren't there"

"Where were they?" Damon would have laughed at himself if he thought he would be in the position he was in right now, gossiping with a kid but he couldn't deny how much he had started to care for the young girl the more he got to know her.

Aria gives a humourless laugh "Elena had snuck out for a party that night, I had a nightmare that night I didn't leave my parents side all night, till they found out Elena was at the party and snuck out."

"God...I begged them not to leave me alone that night and yet they left me to pick Elena up" Aria whispers looking outside the window.

"Something else happened didn't it" Damon half states half questions.

Aria nods her face blank no emotion passing through her eyes as she spoke "I was in my room trying to calm myself down from the nightmare when there was a noise coming from downstairs. I called my dad who was on the way back from picking Elena up."

"That's when whatever it was slammed my door open causing me to scream down the phone. Dad panicked and swerved the car causing them to drive off the bridge." Aria coldly explains.

"Elena blames me for their deaths"

Damon hadn't expected this information at all he thought it would be some sort of family issue but not this serious or extreme. "Did they find who broke in?"

Aria sniffles and tries to hold her tears back "That's the thing, Sheriff Forbes looked around the house and said that there was no evidence of a break-in. I knew she were lying the way she came out it was like a rehearsed story but with a haunted look in her eyes." 

"Not only Elena blames me for their deaths, but she thinks I faked the break-in to get our parent's attention she thinks that I did it on purpose"

"Jezz kid having a shit sibling I can relate to" Damon rubs his hand of his face trying to process eveeything Aria had said, looking back up towards the girl he sees different emotions bouncing all over.

"There's something else"

Aria bites the inside of her cheek "The nightmare I had before they left to go get Elena"

Damon nods his head in response still in shock and disbelief.

"It was them driving off the bridge"

"My nightmare was how they died"


Trying to do as many chapters I can for this since klaus and Elijah need to come into it.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now