27 | W A K E

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Aria walks out of the bedroom that she had declared as hers at the Salvatore house, since that was becoming more of a home for her than the Gilbert's house ever was

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Aria walks out of the bedroom that she had declared as hers at the Salvatore house, since that was becoming more of a home for her than the Gilbert's house ever was. Walking straight to Damon's bar which was filled with different types of alcohol, grabbing the closes one near her she poured the liquid into a glass. Hearing footsteps behind her, she sits down on one of the sofas, taking a sip from her glass.

Damon sees the glass in her hand as he and Jeremy enter his living room, speeding towards her he grabbed the glass from her and crushes it between his hands. "Not happening."

Aria throws her arms up in the air "I think it's fair considering what I've just been told." Standing up from the sofa and pacing back and forth "Let me get this straight."

"The floor's all yours, little witch," Damon says as he pours himself another whisky.

"While I was asleep, you decided to team up with Elena and Stefan who said they would help you get Katherine out of the tomb. You then found out you needed Johnathan Gilbert's journal to find the grimoire. However, Jeremy had given it to Mr. Grumpy our history teacher who is obsessed with my attendance."  Aria lists off the many things she had missed while unconscious.

"How am I doing so far?" She questions pouting at Damon who wouldn't let her drink any of his bourbon.

Jeremy nods his head "Pretty good so far."

"Little witch I might be a psycho vampire who has no compassion for human life. But you drinking alcohol at fifteen is a huge never going to happen around me" Damon points a finger at her accusingly.

"Now continue" 

With a huff, Aria does as he says "Because of some witchy woo-woo as Damon likes to call it and me being unconscious you had to distract Jenna so she wouldn't notice I was missing. That actually makes me laugh considering did she even ask at any point where I was?"

Jeremy gives her a sad smile shaking her head knowing that Jenna was too busy trying to get Elena to forgive her for hiding the truth about her adoption.

Aria snorts "Shocker."

"Anyways, you both had then decided to play video games. I mean seriously Damon how old are you? wait never mind." Aria says just realises the guy who has become an older brother to her and now Jeremy is literally nearly two hundred years old.

"Then Little Librarian Anna is actually a vampire who takes the journal from Mr. Grumpy who asks Damon to help get into the tomb. But he grabs the journal from Anna and leaves her because Dam Dam here works alone and finds the Evil sister and Bambi going behind his back. Which then leads to Bonnie and Elena getting taken by the same Librarian."

"Did I miss anything?" Aria says with a smirk on her face.

"She's good." Damon nods to Jeremy "However you did miss something." He grins.

"Oh really, care to tell me what I missed?" Aria tilts her head to the side.

"Logan fell."

Aria scoffs "He's irrelevant. He's dead."

Jeremy laughs "That's true." He agrees as Stefan glumly walks into the room with his hands covering his face.

"Ah, the puppy returns," Aria and Damon say in unison making the glare at each other before bursting out laughing.

Jeremy shakes his head "Are you sure, you two aren't related?"

"I'm don't know if I should be offended or not." Aria scrunches her face up in disgust.

Damon pouts wiping a fear tear away "Now I'm the one offended."

"Anna took Elena," Stefan confesses.

"You're a little behind Bambi, even I knew that" Aria states.

"Yeah, I got that from your six hundred voicemails," Damon says picking up a book about witches from the coffee table.

"Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching," Stefan says in worry.

"What if your blood hasn't passed?" he adds.

"At least you know you'll see her again," Damon replies not looking up from the book.

"Please." Stefan sits down beside his brother "Aria? Jeremy?" he knew it was pointless to even ask with how bad their relationship with Elena was, but he had to at least try.

"Dude, you, and Elena tried taking my memories away. What do you think?" Jeremy says sarcastically while Aria just completely ignored him.

"You were with Anna, you know where she lives, tell me where I could find her."


"You can go." Damon states with a forced smile.

Stefan sighs "You know, all I can remember is hating you, might have been different but your choices erased anything good about you." Damon stops reading the book and drops it on his lap as he listens to his brother. "But see, I also know that you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Katherine got taken away from you because of me. and I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." Damon nods his head.

"it's Elena, Damon. If you know something tell me." Stefan begs to make Aria flick her wrist causing the younger brother to fly back against the wall and making Damon and Jeremy glare at her for using her magic so soon.

Aria shakes her head at Stefan "You still don't understand, do you? I might not know who I am or where I came from. But what I do know is that Elena has got you so far up her ass that you are struggling to see who you are without her by your side."

"It's pathetic," Jeremy speaks up.

"Oh, my god. Damon doesn't care about Katherine; he just wants closure from all the pain he's had to bottle up through the years. You think he's a bad guy, sure you could say that by some of his actions, but if you take a closer look? All he was trying to do is ask for help, the girl he fell in love with might have never loved him. She might have never cared about him at all and all he wants is the truth."

"Elena is going to ruin whatever relationship you both have left, I might be fifteen years old but Lexi would be so disappointed with who've you become. Figure yourself out before you do something you regret." Aria concludes.

"Let's go." She nods to her brother and Damon.

"Where are you going?" Stefan questions furrowing his eyebrows.

"Grams needs to know that her granddaughter was taken also." Aria states walking out the front door.


The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now