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That name was on a loop, in the young witch's mind. This was the second time she had heard the name. The first was when she was unconscious and dreaming about being in the woods with the couple and their baby. The second was in the tomb, one of the decaying vampires had called her Evie. Sure, she could have brushed it off as the vampire hallucinating because of having no blood for years. But she couldn't, the women's name seemed too familiar for Aria to just forget about.

The night they opened the tomb, before the vampire and witch duo returned to the Salvatore house. They stopped briefly at a motel where two specific individuals were hiding. Aria was furious at Anna for using her brother and then lied to Damon about Katherine just so her mother could be released.

Anna had explained that Katherine had made a deal with one of the guards, that if he let her go, she would change him into a vampire. Aria felt the change in Damon straight away, the hurt and pain of the women he thought loved him. Had known all along where he was, and she the realisation that she never cared.

When they returns to the house Damon actually cried, Aria didn't speak or tried to make the situation better because there wasn't a way to fix his pain. All his feelings that were bottled up through all the years were finally coming to the surface. She had warned him not to do anything stupid which he agreed but Aria knew that once she went home, he would go on a killing spree.

When Jeremy heard what happened, he decided that his twin needed a normal day without vampire problems. Which is why they were both outside Matt Donovan's house, it was the best solution since Matt didn't have any involvement within the supernatural world. They did their special knock on the front door which they made up years ago, so Matt knew who was coming into his house.

As they walk into his living room, coming to Matt's for a relaxing day was quickly becoming a bad idea. As they saw Matt on the couch making out with Caroline who was shirtless.

"Gross!" Jeremy scrunches his face up in disgust, as his sister cheers at the same time.

"Whoa! You go girl!"

Caroline screams hearing the voices of the Gilbert twins, Matt jumps off the couch covering Caroline with a blanket. Looking towards the entrance of the room to find Aria with a smirk on her face and Jeremy with a repulsive expression on his face.

"Ria? Jer? Not that I mind but what are you doing here?" Matt questions, he wasn't bothered they had come by. Just a little annoyed since this was the first time, he and Caroline were able to be alone.

"Well, we were thinking of a movie day, but I think we interrupted something," Aria explains pointing between the couple.

"uh oh, movie day at mine? What's Elena done now?" In the summer when Elena had gone too far, they would all meet up at Matt's to watch movies.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now