25 | O N E S I X

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"On the couch," Jeremy says to Damon who walks inside the Gilberts home carrying his unconscious twin

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"On the couch," Jeremy says to Damon who walks inside the Gilberts home carrying his unconscious twin.

"What happened?"

"Vampire made her mad" Damon didn't really have an answer, he was glad her abilities were slowly becoming easier to control but it wouldn't lessen his fear when he saw her eyes roll backward and fall to the ground.

"Wait what" Elena looks at her younger brother in disbelief "You know? I thought....Stefan"

Jeremy wished he could have been surprised that Elena was more bothered that he was aware of the supernatural then Aria who was literally unconscious. 

"That's not important" He rolls his eyes. "Also really appreciate you and your boyfriend trying to take away my memories."

"Call Bonnie and tell her and her Grams to witchywhoo them both here now" Damon orders getting nervous about his little witch. Jeremy pulls out his phone and does as he says explaining that it's an emergency involving Aria.

"Bonnie? Witch? Grams?" Elena asks question after question looking at Stefan who has a conflicted expression covering his face.

In truth he was conflicted, his whole body and mind were on fire like he was burning from the inside. The urge to pull Aria into his chest and protect her from everyone was becoming so strong, like it was his duty to make sure the girl was safe.

"Either shut the fuck up or I will drain you dry" Damon threatens to look at Elena and then at his brother "You will regret becoming involved with her I promise you that brother."

"Get out of here" Jeremy shouts clenching his fists.

"This is my home, why do I have to leave?" Elena huffs "Come on let's go upstairs" Grabbing Stefan's hand and leading them both to her bedroom.

Jeremy and Damon both sit down on the couch, feeling helpless they couldn't do anything to help the girl they both deeply care for in different ways.

"We have another problem," Jeremy states sighing "Anna, the girl I met at the library she's a vampire."

"What? Did she tell you that?" Damon questions trying to distract himself in conversation from all of his emotions that were pushing to the surface. For a change, he was the person to actually feel scared that the only person to ever understand him and his reasons might not wake up.

"Her eyes, when you smell blood, the veins under her eyes," Jeremy explains. "We're never going to catch a break, are we?"


The front door opens with Bonnie and her Grams walking toward Aria "What happened to the poor child?"

"Uhmm does she know?" Jeremy winces at his question but if Bonnie didn't know about vampires she was going to be in a look of shock for what she was going to learn tonight.

Grams sighs tucking Aria's hair behind her ear "No she doesn't, eventually it was about to come out. I guess today is that day."

"Bonnie maybe you want to sit down for this," Jeremy says pointing to the chair " It's going to get crazy in here."

Bonnie sees the serious look from her Grams and does as Jeremy says, "Am I missing something?"

"Another world" Damon mumbles "Anyways, little witch here got crazy mad at a vampire who tried to kill her. Used her powers on said vampire and then passed out."

"Fix it," Damon adds pointing at the two Bennett witches.

"It's not that simple." Grams says still looking down at the young girl.

Damon scoffs "She passed out. Wake her up. Easy."

Bonnie turns from her Grams to Damon and then Jeremy "Wait, Aria's a witch, you know about my family, and vampires are here. In Mystic Falls."

Damon rolls his eyes turning to the younger Bennett and reveals his vampire fangs and the veins under his eyes "Nice to meet you, I'm a vampire. Happy. Now that BonBon is all caught up can we focus on Aria."

"You know the reason we called you here?" Damon adds.

Grams knew she would have to tell them the truth, "It's her powers. She'll wake up soon."

"What's wrong with her powers?" Jeremy questions concerned for his sister.

"Before you ask Salvatore, I cannot tell you who or how I know this, but I do, Aria's abilities were hidden when she was born." Grams explains looking at the vampire and then Jeremy "I assume you know the truth about the both of you?"

Jeremy sadly nods "I was the only one was born that day, biologically she might not be my twin, but she still is and will always be my sister. My Ria"

Damon tilts his head to the side "So you know about Aria and yet for some reason, you can't tell me who and how?"

"I've always tried to remember who told me the information but I can never remember." Grams says.

"So, what do you know?" Bonnie questions, still processing how Damon's face changed right in front of her eyes.

"Whoever did leave Aria with the Gilberts, came to me first. Aria's parents had prepared a plan in case they needed to protect her." Grams starts to explain what happened the night Aria arrived in Mystic Falls.

"Protect her?" Jeremy asks.

"From whom?" Damon says at the same time.

Grams shakes her head "I don't know. The guy mention Aria being a witch and he knew about the Bennett bloodline."

"We were on the right tracks," Damon says looking at Jeremy,

"So why isn't she waking up?" Bonnie speaks up.

"Her powers aren't fully activated until her sixteen birthday. She tried to use way too much, and now her powers are trying to break through the blockage which caused her to pass out from exhaustion."  Grams explains making Jeremy and Damon sigh in relief that she would be okay.

"What's so special about her being sixteen?" Bonnie raises her eyebrow.

"I'm not entirely sure, only that her powers wouldn't be hidden anymore, making it easier for the ones who were looking for her to locate her." Grams concludes.

"I know you said you couldn't tell who told you this information, but could I still try something?" Damon suggests, he had a small idea why she wasn't able to tell them who told her about Aria.

Grams purses her lips together, she didn't like vampires and now one was asking to try something on her. But seeing how much he cared for the young Gilbert she nodded her head. Taking off her vervain bracelet and necklace she places it onto the coffee table.  

Damon stands up and walks towards the woman looking directing into her eyes "Tell me, who told you about Aria."

"I cannot tell you." Grams replies.

"Why not?"

"I was told I wasn't allowed to tell anyone."

Damon nods his head and sits back down next to his little witch "I was right."

"Damon?" Jeremy questions wanting to know what he was thinking.

"She was compelled."


The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now