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"I can't believe I'm saying this but he's actually more stupid than you Damon, pretty please can we bang his head off a brick wall and hope his brain turns back on because lately, it seems like he hasn't got one

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"I can't believe I'm saying this but he's actually more stupid than you Damon, pretty please can we bang his head off a brick wall and hope his brain turns back on because lately, it seems like he hasn't got one."

Aria was so annoyed which seems to because a normal thing for the young witch, she was so mad at Stefan that she was considering handing him over to Klaus as well. The pathetic Bambi
vampire decided to give Elena the rights of the Salvatore house for her protection. A part of her felt like she couldn't get jealous since it wasn't her house to begin with, but within the past months it was the only place she felt like she belonged and now her evil sister could kick her out anytime she could.

"Why do I feel like déjà vu with this conversation,"

Damon was also irritated at his younger brother's actions; he could see how much this really hurt Aria. The girl never felt safe not even at her own house with Jenna but every time she stepped into the Salvatore house subconsciously her body would relax knowing she would be alright. The worst part of it all was that Stefan and Elena had done this while he and Aria were burying Rose.

"Because this conversation has happened before and my theory of vampires not having brains is becoming highly possible."

On top of everything Aria was also becoming worried for Kathrine, Elijah had got her out of the tomb, but Aria hasn't heard anything from her since. She hoped she didn't run away but it would make sense with Klaus coming to Mystic Falls.

"Ouch Ria, sometimes I wonder where you get your sassiness from." Damon fakes a hurt expression and places his hand above his heart.

"I learned from the best" Aria smirks looking directly at Damon.

The vampire's eyes widen with a small grin "Oh, really, and who is the best?"

"Myself of course" Aria replies before bursting out laughing at the pout of Damon's face. "And maybe because of you."

"Just maybe?" He teases, honestly if he pictured that he would be joking about with a sixteen-year-old girl in his house when he first came back to Mystical Falls, he would probably break his own neck at how ridiculous he was thinking.

"Well, I would probably still be the mute girl if it weren't for you." Aria mumbled, talking about her own feelings wasn't the easiest thing for her to do, maybe that's why she and Damon connected so well but she still wanted to give him some credit and how confident she has become because of his presence.

"And I'd still be a psycho-killer vampire if it weren't for you," Damon confesses, once he found out about the blood vial Aria give Kathrine when she was in the tomb. He actually asked for her to make him one as well. He still went out and drain on a few occasions when things were rough just like Rose's death, but he didn't drink to the point of the human's death and that was a big step for him.

"You will always be the best of me." He adds leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Now get your ass to school young lady."

"Papa Bear is activated" Aria chuckles standing up from the couch and grabbing her bag before turning round and smiling at Damon "Love you Vampy." Before running out of the front door.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now