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"Twice in the same day, what are the odds

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"Twice in the same day, what are the odds."

Aria rolls her eyes as she notices Elena walking towards the same room that Bonnie had told her to meet her in. Of course, the Bennett witch was a very loyal person which Aria respected, yet it still made her worry that Elena would use that as an advantage over their friendship. Knowing she would do anything for the ones closest to her especially if they were in danger.

"Why are you here?" Elena asks wondering what Aria was doing at the same place she was supposed to be meeting Bonnie.

"I have questions. Bonnie has the answers." Aria shrugs her shoulders "And she called me."

Elena's expression turns to surprise "She called you too." she says annoyed at how easy it was for Aria to be involved in the supernatural world. Even her birth mother seemed to have taken a liking to Aria more than her own daughter.

"Yup." Aria says before entering the classroom to see Bonnie standing in front of a table that had a old dusty book on it.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me." Bonnie gives the two girls a small smile, pulling Aria into a hug. "I'm sorry about your powers, that isn't fair."

Aria sighs "I hate it Bonnie, I know I was just learning about what I could do but now.....I don't know I can feel my magic it's literally circling around my body right now but it's like a wall full of obsidian is blocking me from actually using it."

"I might be able to help." She says looking down at Emily's spell book. Bonnie didn't want to imagine want if felt like for her magic to be blocked, Witch's magic is sacred, and for someone to take that away is horrifying.

"I'll do anything to not feel so drained," Aria confesses with a frown.

"I thought you had information about the invention," Elena speaks up, irritated at the conversation that was happening which she wasn't a part of.

Bonnie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes "I do, but Aria is more important." She states giving the young witch a reassuring smile. "Did Isobel say anything about what she did?"

Aria shakes her head "Not really, just that she needed to protect herself and that it would wear off soon." She explains biting her bottom lip.

"I was reading Emily's book and there's a page on type of ways to weakness supernatural creatures." Bonnie explains pointing to the certain page "Such a Vervain that we already know which burns vampires."

Aria furrows her eyebrows "How does that help us with what she gave me? We still don't really know what I am apart from some witchy powers."

"One of the other types caught my eye and it made a lot of sense, this kind didn't have a specific supernatural creature that it could weaken. It was a shield that would trap the supernatural and if it somehow got into your body that would make sense as to why your magic won't work."

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now