21 | S T O R Y

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Jeremy was trying to get his life back on track, well as well as he could since he knew with the supernatural world, he got the feeling nothing would ever be calm around mystic falls for a while

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Jeremy was trying to get his life back on track, well as well as he could since he knew with the supernatural world, he got the feeling nothing would ever be calm around mystic falls for a while. He knew this was just the start of the truth unfolding and somehow Aria was in the middle of everything.

That only though made him sick, even knowing that they weren't biological twins and related that didn't change how they were together. They only had each other growing up and some paper wasn't going to change that or their dynamic. 

Which was the main reason why he was at the library, the only way to start getting on the right path was to start doing well in school and not failing every subject. So, he decided to do the extra credit Mr. Saltzman had told him to do for his class.

Looking through the aisles on the top floor, trying to find the history books that would help with his essay. Finding the right aisle and searching for the specific books that he was advised to read when two books fly off the shelve in front of him onto the floor next to his feet.

Startled by the action, he takes a deep breath and then a few more to control his little panic from spiralling, The older twin wasn't scared about what has just happened, it made it think about Aria and what would happen if her abilities were seen by others, would she get hunted? Were there others like her? he didn't have the answers, but he promised himself he would do anything for his sister to be safe.  

Sighing from his negative thoughts he crouches down and picks up the books that were fallen to see a young girl with brown hair with an apologetic expresson covering her face looking at the books in his hands.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. There was this one book wedged between the other I pulled and then...boom." The girl rambles "Are you okay?"

Jeremy places the books back on the shelf and looks over at the girl "Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay," The girl says in relief. "Is there anything I can do? Maybe help you find the books you were looking for."

Jeremy nods his head with a small smile "Sure, thank you."

"What do you need?"

"Local, 1860s. Do you work here?"

"Nope. You want a reference. This way. " The girl says walking towards a different aisle "Um Some-schooled. I study here for a mock-school environment."

Stopping at the right aisle the girl turns to look at the different books "Here we go. Original settlers, town archives, founders' stuff. It's all here."

The girl looks back at Jeremy "So what's your topic?"

"The town's fear surrounding the war and how it influenced certain writers," Jeremy explains.

The girl bites her lip "You might wanna focus that."

Jeremy raises his eyebrows "The origins of local folklore and myths." Making the girl chuckle.

"You mean the vampires." She states making Jeremy's expression falter before plastering a smile on his face.

"that's a funny joke. There's no such thing as vampires." Jeremy says laughing as he sits down at a table with his books.

The girl shrugs "Well, there's not a lot of documentation. But the stories have been told since the civil war."

"Even one about the royal bloodline." She adds.

Jeremy tilts his head "Royal bloodline?" he questions.

"Yeah, it's only a story but some believed part of it to have been true." The girl explains softly "Oh I forget to say my name is Anna."

"Jeremy." He states introducing himself "So what happened in the book?"

"At one point apparently vampires and humans lived among each other in peace, the king and queen had just had their first child when there was an uprising, nobody knew why they had attacked and what they gained by going straight for the royal family," Anna explains. 

"In the end, the whole family was killed, they set the house they were hiding out in on fire. Five bodies were found burnt to death." Anna concludes sadly.

"So, if that was true, how come vampires are known as monsters and evil if at one point everyone was civil," Jeremy says a little confused.

"Because the King was a vampire, his whole family were vampires and when they found out about his death, the queen and the baby's death, they completed changed and killed just for the fun of it."

Jeremy frowns "That's sad, they were grieving and were angry about the loss of their family."

"Good thing it's just a story," Anna says making Jeremy nod his head in agreement but on the inside, he had so many more questions, since he knew vampires were real, that means that this story might have actually happened and caused the agreement between the humans and vampires to become void.

"How come you know so much about this?" Jeremy asks looking at the books in front of him.

Anna smiles "My grandad used to tell me these creepy stories when I was little, and he said that his granddad told them to him."

Jeremy opens his mouth to speak when his phone rang, seeing his twin's name pop up he knew it must be serious "Hey, what's up."

"She's gonna die Jer, sooner or later I'm going to rip her vocal cords out." Aria states.

"What did she do."

"She knows about Katherine about her adoption, about me getting dropped off on the doorstep."

Jeremy's eyes widen "Shit."

"Yes shit, indeed."

"What happened? When she got home?"

Aria sighs "I got angry and caused Stefan to fall to the floor in pain holding his heart."

"So, she knows about the abilities now?" Jeremy smiles at Anna and mouths 'one moment'.

"I guess. Maybe. I don't know she's a bit clueless most of the time, Jer she still thinks the compulsion worked for God's sake."

"Right, I'm on my way home, we can watch some movies and see if the anger will vanish or at least die down a little," Jeremy says.

"That's not fair on you. Your doing your essay; you need to pass that Jer." Aria says worriedly.

"Don't worry, I've gotten most of the information, I can finish it tomorrow but now my priority is to make sure you are okay Ri." Jeremy gently says. 

"Fine." Aria huffs.

"I''ll be home soon, ill even get ice cream on the way home. I love you, everything will be okay."

"Love you too Jer." Aria hangs up the phone.

Jeremy turns to Anna "Hey, I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to leave now, my sister's going through a lot right now and she needs me."

Anna shakes her head "No worries, I hope she's okay. if you ever need help with your work I mostly come here."

Jeremy stands up pulling his bag on his shoulder "Thank you, also before I leave I have a question."

"Sure what is it?"

"The story you told me. the king that died and his family, did it mention their last name?"

"Yeah, it did." Anna states  "I think it was...."


Dunnn dunnn dunnnn.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now