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"How did you know where we were?"

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"How did you know where we were?"

Bonnie looks towards her grandmother, both sitting down at their kitchen table. Finding out about the supernatural world took her a few days to fully grasp. But she still felt like something was missing, Grams was her mentor to guide her with her magic, but for some reason, as she learns about her Bennett bloodline there was still something missing.

Grams leans back in her seat "Many things can fuel a witch's power. Worry, anger. After Aria had told me they had taken you I had a lot of both, So did she. A simple locator spell was easy after that."

"I'm sorry," Bonnie says with a small smile. "About all of this."

"Eventually, secrets will be spilled and truths will be told."

Bonnie sits up in her chair "You're talking about Aria" It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Her fate was sealed the moment she was born, all in time she will be the one you want on your side."

"I thought you couldn't talk say anything about her?" Bonnie asks as she rethinks her Grams words.

"Loopholes dear," Grams concludes as Elena walks into the kitchen with Stefan making Bonnie confused.

"If Aria helped you, why isn't she here?"

"In her words, you didn't deserve to be dragged into this mess. Her powers are still hard for her to control and being around 'the evil sister' as she called her, would tick off her anger. She'll be here soon" Grams says, "Remember what I told you, child."

"So, what do we do now?" Elena questions crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, for now, you need to stay here," Stefan states.

Grams raises an eyebrow at the vampire "A prisoner in my own home? I don't think so."

"I can't protect you if you leave."

"We'll protect ourselves."

"We need to leave him have Katherine back." Elena says as Aria walks through the front door.

"Wow, I think that's the smartest thing you've said" Aria smirks winking at Grams. "Oh and Bambi if you screw this up, I won't need a stake to kill you, I'll do it with my bare hands."

"Like father like daughter." Grams mutters under her breath which went unnoticed by everyone but Stefan who looks her way with an unreadable nable expression on his face.

"Witches being pulled down by vampire problems?" Grams lightly glares at Stefan, "Not that long ago, it was the other way around."

Aria grins "Ooo do tell."

"I don't remember that." Stefan frowns "Witches and vampires never got along."

Grams hums "did you ever question why?" Which Stefan didn't have an answer to.

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now