chapter 8.1: swear to be overdramatic

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Quick A/N: the chapter was way too long so I broke it down into two shorter parts.

I felt something in my cheek.
A first time.
Then a second time.
I opened my eyes.
"Hi", she said, her head way too close to mine.
Wednesday had been poking at my cheek with my Voldemort wand.
Due to my surprise, I got up way too fast and bumped my head against the ceiling.
"Damnit Wednesday, you can't do that!"
"I've been up for two hours and already wrote, but now I'm hungry...", she explained. "Don't laugh, I'm being serious!"
"Sorry", I chuckled.
"...and I don't want to search through your kitchen, imagine if your parents walk in, I can't do small talk. I mean, I can, but I don't want to."
My brain was still slow, so it had to sink in for a bit.
"You're such a drama queen", was all I could articulate. To which she responded with her deadpan look.
"What time is it?", I asked.
"It's a quarter to nine. I'm hungry."
I had to laugh for a second time.
"Come on, can we go downstairs? Enid, please, I'm dying of boredom."
"You're literally starving", I teased.
She could've exterminated a whole village with the look she gave me.
After a long yawn and some stretching, I got out of bed.
"What are you doing?", Wednesday asked as I was walking to my desk to grab my phone. "Breakfast first."
"I have to check if Dante sent something", I said.
"You can do that later. You were going to sleep for another hour anyway if it wasn't for me."

"This is surprisingly good for something as colorful", Wednesday commented.
"Don't tell me you never had Froot Loops!"
"I actually never did", she said, grabbing the cereal packet and refilling her bowl. "Can you believe that?"
That last part was said mockingly.
"Well, you are being talkative this morning!", I said.
I saw how the corners of her mouth lifted up a bit. Over time, I discovered that that was usually the closest thing to a smile you could get from her.
"Do you want milk with it?"
She shook her head 'no'. "It ruins everything."
I was going to say something along 'only psychopaths do that', but held it in.
"Aren't you hungry?", she asked in-between two bites.
"I don't really do breakfasts."
"You know that's like the most important meal of the day."
"You sound like my father."
While she was eating, I sat there in silence. She had already braided her hair, but was still wearing my Reputation sweater and had lifted the sleeves to her elbows. Her scars from the whole Crackstone thingy were visible, which made me think of my own. I pulled at my sleeves and touched the side of my face, where Tyler's claws had been.
"Yours healed very well", Wednesday said.
She had followed my gaze.
"It's also a werewolf thing", I explained. "They still itch like hell, though."
She gave a sheepish side smile. "Same."
After like a minute, she pushed her bowl further on the table, a sign that she was done.
"Want anything else?"
"No thanks", she said, grabbing her bowl and standing up. "Where can I put it?"
"Ow, just in the sink! It's Jared's turn to do the dishes today", I said, pointing to the sink. "I don't think I've ever seen you eat that much lol."
"I'm just a lot more hungry lately."
"Are you in a growth spurt or something?"
I received my second killer look of the day.
"Shut up, you're barely 2 inches taller."
"No, I'm exactly 2 inches taller", I corrected with a winning smile.

"Now, what do you wanna do?", I asked. "At this time I usually go for a run."
"I would love to..."
That sounded really sarcastic.
"... but Mother said that Lurch would be here around ten. Can we maybe wait until he comes, so that I'll have my stuff at least."
"Okay, but you didn't answer my question. We have the PlayStation, board games, we can watch another movie-"
"Do you have cards?"
"Of course!"
I searched for a card deck in the cabinet behind the table.
"Sorry, I forgot; we need two decks", Wednesday added when I put a single pack in front of her on the table.
I took several decks out of the cabinet.
"I'm not sure the others are complete, Tony loves to make card towers but never puts them away correctly", I explained.
"Do you know how to play canasta?"
The name was familiar, but besides that, nothing. Wednesday must've seen my confusion, because she asked me to give her the extra decks and to read the rules online.
"Could you just read them out loud? There are different versions of the game", she asked, while starting to sort out the cards.
Not even five minutes into the rules, she interrupted me.
"Fuck it, that's not how we play the game."
"We?", I asked, looking up from my phone.
"The Addams. So let me explain it to you..."
I hadn't noticed, but she was done sorting the cards. Apparently, the decks were both complete. She took one card of every number.
"I'll start by explaining each card. Aces are worth 20 points, twos are seen as jokers and are worth 20 points as well, threes are-"


"And boom! Terremoto!", I exclaimed as I laid my cards in front of me.
Wednesday didn't even look at them.
"Uhm, Enid, that's not a terremoto."
"Yes it is", I insisted.
"I already have a canasta."
"Ugh, it's not like I understand the rules anyway." I paused for a second to add to the drama. "I quit!"
"No, you can't", she stated as she stood up. "I'm winning; you can't do that."
"I can, and I will", I said, getting up as well. "Can we play something else?"
Wednesday sat back down.
"Fine", she sighed as she started to sort out the cards and put them back in their pack.
"What about snakes and ladders?"
"No way, I'm not five anymore. I'm not playing that."
"Yes you are", I said, getting the box out of the cabinet.
"Last time I played it, I felt how each one of my brain cells slowly were committing suicide one after the other. I'm not playing that", she repeated.
"Ow come on-"
The doorbell rang.
"Well, aren't you a lucky girl, saved by the bell, just like that", I laughed.

As expected, it was Lurch with Wednesday's bags. Wednesday greeted him and I did too. I asked him if he wanted to stay a bit, maybe have some coffee or whatever, but he refused every time I asked. He left right after dropping the bags on the living room floor.

"It's okay, I can carry them myself", Wednesday said, trying to take the suitcase that I had just picked up from my hands.
"It's good. Let me help you."
She sighed but didn't protest more than that and threw the other smaller bag over her shoulder.
"Please, just be careful with it, Enid,my typewriter is in there."
"Damn, I missed that clicking sound!", I chuckled, voice dripping of sarcasm.
I rolled her suitcase to the staircase and then lifted it up. Not gonna lie, it was kind of heavy.
"You still so sure about that?", she asked teasingly.
"Yeah yeah."
I fully lifted it up and did my best to act like it was light as a feather.

"I'm sure you secretly enjoy it", she stated very confidently when we got to the second floor.
"Enjoy what?"
"The clicking."
"Maybe", I said, opening my room's door and leaving her suitcase inside.
She dropped the bag she was carrying on the floor as well and went to my desk, where her phone had been the whole morning.
"It's already noon!", she exclaimed. "Lurch was late."
I checked the time as well.
"Damn. Anyway, we can eat the leftovers, orrrrrr... we can eat out if you want to", I suggested.
"As you wish", she said, "just tell me if I have to get dressed, now that I have my clothes."
"Well, I know a cool spot, so..."
"Okay, give me five minutes, I'll be ready", she assured, turning her back to me and searching through her bag.

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