chapter 31: the devil's in the details

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A/N: you guyzz, not too big of a time skip: chapter 30.2, 30.3 etc. will come soon
tysm for 21,6k reads and for your time
also, sorry for the drought; it's called almost failing math, getting accepted for an exchange program in Canada, school refusing even tho you've never had a report card under 85% but ok (and then they wonder why ppl get demotivated), AND getting ur wisdom teeth removed all in the span of 2 weeks
I'm on a school break now(it's funny the timelines align now), I'll write as much as I can but I'm gonna try and get my life together, find a job and stuff
and finally, what are ur thoughts on 1989 tv? I personally LOVE IT even though some songs feel off

November 1, Saturday

Wednesday's point of view

The Hyde had just thrown me against the tree. And as always, my whole body went numb because of the shock. On the bright side, I didn't feel it when I fell to the ground. This time, I was able to breathe. Almost decently even. I knew this wouldn't last, though. As always, Enid came in. Too late to avoid major injuries, but her timing got better every time. But this time, the Hyde didn't even flinch when she tried to tackle it. It took her off it back with one hand before slamming it on the ground.
I could feel the vibration in my spine.
My ears were ringing, and there was a red film on my eyes, so I could only imagine what happened.
At some point, there was a really loud whine. Then nothing.
It's silhouette turned to me. It was approaching slowly, taking its time. It suddenly went straight for my neck. But stopped. It was amused by the fear he'd caused.
Then I realized.

He's going to finish me off.
Real slow.


I opened my eyes, realizing I was fighting with the bedsheets. Enid must've been shaking me awake for a long time.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
I jumped out of bed.
What was she doing in my room? In my bed? Wait no. This wasn't my dorm?
"What the hell?!"
I started massaging my temples while looking around me. This was Yoko and Enid's place.
"Wednesday, are you okay? This was really, really intense."
"What the hell?" I repeated, more softly and mostly to myself.
"Wens, answer me. Please."
I closed my eyes for a second to think. Nothing. Blank. I still felt the ringing, but now through my whole head. And everything still felt numb.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Answer me," she insisted, getting out of bed.
"I'm fine, Enid! God..."
I spat something hard out. After looking at it correctly, I identified it as a little part of my tooth.
"Yeah, uh, you were grinding your teeth pretty intensely; that's why I woke up. Otherwise, I wouldn't have; waking up someone who's having a nightmare is usually a no-no—"
"Please shut up."
"Please calm down."
She was right. My heart was beating in my head. Maybe that was why it was hurting so bad.
"I'm fine," I repeated, and this time even my mother would believe it.
I tried to answer my own question. I tried to remember. But in vain.
"What happened?" I asked her again while putting the tooth rest in my waistcoat pocket. Just then, I realized I hadn't changed to go to bed.
"How much did you drink and smoke last night?" she laughed. "I mean, you did mention some spiked punch, but it's never been that alcoholized. You got something from Xavier's stack, didn't you? He has the good stuff."
I tried to remember. Spiked punch? The ball. Halloween. Parents weekend.
I gasped. "How late is it?"
"Relax, you woke us up early. It's only seven o'clock."
I sighed in relief.
"We have three hours ahead of us," Enid added.
"So what happened?"
"We didn't do anything but talk, if that's what you're asking," she answered.
"No, like what happened yesterday...?"
She looked confused.
"You really don't know?"
"I don't fucking remember, Enid."

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